Jumps: IvoaResReg :: RofR :: SIA Validater :: ConeSearch Validater
Meetings: InterOpMay2010 :: InterOpNov2009Reg :: InterOpMay2009ResReg
Special Sessions on Validation and Verification at the May 2010 Interoperability Meeting
Session 1: Operations and Applications (Tuesday, 9am)
Draft Agenda:
- Review: (15 min)
- Ray: I could review discussions from fall (10 min)
- Discussion Question: (5 min)
- Are past recommenations still relevent?
- Operational Health: (45 min)
- Tom: Update on service monitoring. (10-15 min)
- Discussion (20-30 min)
- Application development: (30 min)
- (Mark Taylor, ...)
- Discussion Questions: (20 min)
- Which issues of reliability/compliance give the greatest challenge to developers
- How can we ease these challenges?
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Session 2: Curation and Compliance (Thursday, 2pm)
Draft Agenda:
- Registry Curation (45 min)
- Ray: short summary of some past practices and recommendations (5 min)
- Discuss Questions:
- What practices should projects invest in?
- What coordination is necessary?
- Standards Compliance (45 min)
- one or more short presentations on these topics:
- status of validators? There hasn't been a lot of activity since fall; is there much to say here? (Ray could review where things are.)
- data model validation (Mirelle?)
- service toolkits: Michel, Tody, Dowler
- Discuss Questions:
- Should we strengthen the role of validation in the standard process? If so, how?
- Where should projects invest? Toolkits? Documentation?
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This topic: IVOA
> InterOpMay2010Val
Topic revision: r2 - 2010-05-17 - RayPlante