---++ Program for May 2014 Interop in Madrid (as of 04/11/14) | *Session* | *Time* | *Room* | *Session* | *Notes* |||| | *Sunday May 18 2014* |||||||| | | 09:30–15:30 | Hotel NH Principe de Vergara | [[InterOpMay204TCG][IVOA TCG Meeting]] | TCG |||| | | 16:00–18:00 | Hotel NH Principe de Vergara | IVOA Exec Meeting | Exec + WG/IG Chairs/Vice-chairs |||| | *Monday May 19 2014* |||||||| | ** | 09:00 | Bus leaves hotel |||||| | 1 | 10:00–10:15 | D001/2 | Welcome and Logistics | Christophe Arviset |||| | ^ | 10:15–10:30 | D001/2 | State of the IVOA | David Schade |||| | ^ | 10:30–11:30 | D001/2 | TBW | Sean Hill |||| | ** |||||||| | | __11:30–12:00__ | __Break__ |||||| | ** |||||||| | 2 | 12:00–12:20 | D001/2 | State of the TCG | Séverin Gaudet |||| | ^ | 12:20–13:30 | D001/2 | [[PlenarySessionsMay2014][Charge to Working Groups]] | WG/IG Chairs |||| | ** |||||||| | | __13:30–15:00__ | __Lunch__ |||||| | ** |||||||| | 3 | 15:00–16:30 | D001/2 | [[InterOpMay2014DAL][TAP-1.x]] | DAL/DM/GWS |||| | ** |||||||| | | __16:30 –17:00__ | __Break__ |||||| | ** |||||||| | 4 | 17:00–18:30 | D001/2 | [[PlenarySessionsMay2014][Data cubes - ImageDM]] | DAL/DM |||| | ** | 18:45 | Bus leaves ESAC |||||| | *Tuesday May 20 2014* |||||||| | ** | 09:00 | Bus leaves hotel |||||| | 5 | 10:00–11:30 | D001/2 | [[InterOpMay2014MultiD][Focus session]] on multi-dimensional data | Mark Allen (Session Chair) |||| | ** |||||||| | | __11:30–12:00__ | __Break__ |||||| | ** |||||||| | 6 | 12:00–13:30 | D001/2 | [[PlenarySessionsMay2014][Apps - code bases and repositories]] | Apps |||| | ** |||||||| | | __13:30–15:00__ | __Lunch__ |||||| | ** |||||||| | 7 | 15:00–16:30 | D001/2 | [[InterOpMay2014MultiD][Focus session]] on multi-dimensional data | |||| | ** |||||||| | | __16:30 –17:00__ | __Break__ |||||| | ** |||||||| | 8 | 17:00–18:30 | D001/2 | [[InterOpMay2014DAL][Data cubes - SIA and AccessData]] | DAL/DM |||| | ** | 18:45 | Bus leaves ESAC |||||| | *Wednesday May 21 2014* |||||||| | ** | 09:00 | Bus leaves hotel |||||| | 9 | 10:00–11:30 | D001/2 | [[InterOpMay2014FocusSessions][Focus session]] on Planetary Data | Christophe Arviset (Session Chair) |||| | ** |||||||| | | __11:30–12:00__ | __Break__ |||||| | ** |||||||| | 10 | 12:00–13:30 | D001/2 | Focus session on planetary data ||||| | ** |||||||| | | __13:30–15:00__ | __Lunch__ |||||| | ^ | | D052 | Exec meeting | |||| | ** |||||||| | 11 | 15:00 –16:30 | D001 | [[InterOpMay2014Registry][Registry I - status of standards and operations]] | Reg |||| | ^ | | D002 | GWS I - workflows | GWS |||| | ** |||||||| | | __16:30 –17:00__ | __Break__ |||||| | ** |||||||| | 12 | 17:00–18:30 | D001 | [[InterOpMay2014NewTechnologies][New Technologies]] | Semantics |||| | ^ | | D002 | [[InterOpMay2014DAL][DataLink Review]] | DAL |||| | ** | 18:45 | Bus leaves ESAC |||||| | ** | 21:00 | Conference dinner |||||| | *Thursday May 22 2014* |||||||| | ** | 09:00 | Bus leaves hotel |||||| | 13 | 10:00–11:30 | D052 | [[InterOpMay2014Semantics][Semantics]] | Semantics |||| | ^ | | D002 | Apps I | Apps |||| | ^ | | D001 | Theory I | Theory |||| | ** |||||||| | | __11:30–12:00__ | __Break__ |||||| | ** |||||||| | 14 | 12:00–13:30 | D002 | Apps II | Apps |||| | ^ | | D052 | [[InterOpMay2014Registry][Reg II - registry interfaces, IVOA validation and curation]] | Reg |||| | ^ | | D001 | Theory II | Theory |||| | ** |||||||| | | __13:30–15:00__ | __Lunch__ |||||| | ^ | | D052 | CSP | |||| | ** |||||||| | 15 | 15:00–16:30 | D001 DM I - ongoing DMs | DM ||||| | ^ | | D002 | GWS II - VOSpace | GWS |||| | ^ | | D052 | DCP | DCP |||| | ** |||||||| | | __16:30 –17:00__ | __Break__ |||||| | ** |||||||| | 16 | 17:00–18:30 | D001 | GWS III - UWS | GWS |||| | ^ | | D002 | Apps III | Apps |||| | ^ | | D052 | TDIG | TDIG |||| | ** | 18:45 | Bus leaves ESAC |||||| | *Friday May 23 2014* |||||||| | ** | 09:00 | Bus leaves hotel |||||| | 17 | 10:00–11:00 | D001/2 | Education | Education |||| | ^ | 11:00–11:30 | D001/2 | Feedback on focus sessions | Mark Allen |||| | | __11:30–12:00__ | __Break__ |||||| | 18 | 12:00–13:00 | D001/2 | [[PlenarySessionsMay2014][Summary of Working and Interest Groups]] | WG/IG Chairs |||| | ^ | 13:00–13:15 || TCG Closing Remarks | Séverin Gaudet |||| | ^ | 13:15–13:30 || Closing remarks | David Schade |||| | ** |||||||| | | __13:30–15:00__ | __Lunch__ |||||| | ** |||||||| | ** | 15:00 | Bus leaves ESAC to Madrid |||||| | ** | 15:00 | Bus leaves ESAC to Airport (TBC) ||||||
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r8 - 2014-04-17 - NormanGray
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