---+ Data Access Layer Sessions -- Madrid 2014 ---++ TAP-1.x The purpose of this session is to dicss issues with the current Table Access Protocol (TAP) standard and make plans for a compatible 1.x version and/or TAP-2.0 Background: [[IvoaDAL.TapImplementationNotes][TAP Implementation page]] | Topic | Speaker | Time | Slides | | TAP at INAF-OATs IA2 | Pietro Apollo | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Discussion | | 45 min | | ---++ Data Cubes - SIA-2.0 and AccessData-1.0 The purpose of this session is to discuss issues with the working drafts for SIA-2.0 and AccessData-1.0 standards. We will focus on the current use cases and protocol features to achieve them. Background: | Topic | Speaker | Time | Slides | | AccessData prototype at NRAO | Doug Tody | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Discussion | | 45 min | | ---++ DataLink-1.0 Review The purpose of this session is to review the changes to and current state of the DataLink working draft. Background: link to working page here and WD here | Topic | Speaker | Time | Slides | | Review | PatrickDowler | 20 min | | | | | | | | | | | | | Discussion | | 45min | |
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r2 - 2014-04-17 - PatrickDowler
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