---+ <nop>IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting ---++!! May 18, 2013 - Madrid, Spain <h3> --- %TOC% --- </h3> ---++ Local Arrangements The meeting will be held in the Hotel NH Principe de Vergara. Coffee/tea breaks will be provided. Lunch will be organized directly at the hotel with sandwiches, Spanish tapas, dessert and soft drink. Price will be 18 per person. ---++ Meeting Minutes and Actions Notes and actions from the meeting can be found here. ---++ Meeting Agenda | *Time* | *Topic* | *Notes* | | 09:30–09:45 | Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives | | | 09:45–10:00 | Review of action items from previous meetings | [[IvoaTCG][Minutes]] | | 09:45–10:30 | Status of Standards in REC process | | | __10:30–10:45__ | __Break__ | | | 10:45–12:30 | Status of standards impacting various WG/IG | | | __12:30–14:00__ | __Lunch__ | | | 14:00–15:30 | General TCG discussions | | | | %BULLET% The role of Notes – Françoise | | | | %BULLET% Mechanism for documenting errata? – Françoise | | | | %BULLET% Discussion WG/IG participation in Focus Sessions – Mark A | | | | %BULLET% IVOA Roadmap for 2013 – Matthew | | | | %BULLET% Summaries of the charges to WG/IG | | | | %BULLET% Review of [[PublishingInTheVONew][Publishing Data in the VO]] page | Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5 | | | %BULLET% Update of IVOA Architecture – Séverin | | | | %BULLET% Codebases and repositories – Mark | | | | %BULLET% Other Topics??? | | | __15.30–16.00__ | __Break__ | | | 16.00–18.00 | Exec meeting | | | ** ||| ---++ Participants | *Name* | *WG/IG* | *Present* | | Séverin | TCG | Y | | Matthew | TCG | | | Mark T | Apps | Y | | Pierre F | Apps | Y | | Pat | DAL | Y | | François | DAL | Y | | Jesus | DM | | | Omar | DM | Y | | André | GWS | Y | | Andreas | GWS | | | Gretchen | Registry | | | Pierre LS | Registry | | | Norman | Semantics | | | Mireille | Semantics | | | Alberto | DCP | | | Françoise | DCP & SP | Y | | Massimo | Education | Y | | Sudhanshu | Education | | | George | KDD | | | Franck | Theory | Y | | Rick | Theory | | | John | Time Domain | Y | | Mike | Time Domain | | | David | Exec | | | Chistophe | Exec | Y | | Mark A | CSP | Y | | ** ||| <!--</p> <ul> <li> <ul> <li> Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME =<span class="WYSIWYG_PROTECTED"> IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup</span> </li> </ul></li> </ul>-<span style="font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #000000;" mce_style="font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #000000;"><span style="white-space: normal;" mce_style="white-space: normal;">-></span></span>-->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r15 - 2014-05-08 - MarkAllen
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