Draft list of Apps proposed talks:

In Apps sessions

  1. The new CDS portal, built on top of HiPS and MOC technologies - Thomas Boch
  2. The use of Virtual Observatory tools: A Critical Review - Khadija EL Bouchefry
  3. IVOA Standards in IRAP tools (3DView, AMDA, CASSIS) in the framework of H2020/VESPA - Michel.Gangloff
  4. Spectra/images in VizieR - Gilles Landais
  5. Light curves in VO Applications - Petr Skoda
  6. ALMAWebQL - Masatoshi Ohishi
  7. GUIpsy: a VO compliant tool for the kinematic analysis of datacubes - Susana Sanchez Exposito
  8. ESASky - Bruno Merin
  9. HiPS IVOA standardization - Daniel Durand, Thomas Boch
  10. VOTable discussion: header schema indicator for validation process - Pierre Lesidaner
  11. Using IVOA tools to support the JUNO space mission with ground observations - Baptiste Cecconi
In GW/Apps session:
  1. SAMP over HTTPS - Mark Taylor
Using IVOA tools to support the JUNO space mission with ground observations

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Topic revision: r3 - 2016-04-26 - PierreFernique
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