---++ May 2016 Interop Rideshare Wiki On this page, participants of the [[http://ivoa2016.sa3.ac.za/][May 2016 Interop]] can organise Car/Taxi pools from Cape Town airport to Stellenbosch. Arrangements for the return journey can probably be made during the conference, so this is only about arrivals. ---+++ Arriving May 5th | *Arriving at* | *Who* | *Need/Offer* | *Remarks* | | 14:00 | jdoe at example.com | Offer 3 seats | This is an example | ---+++ Arriving May 6th | *Arriving at* | *Who* | *Need/Offer* | *Remarks* | | 9:00 | jdoe2 at example.com | Need 1 seat, can wait a few hours | This is an example | ---+++ Arriving May 7th | *Arriving at* | *Who* | *Need/Offer* | *Remarks* | | 12:15 | MarkusDemleitner | Need 1 seat | | ---+++ Arriving May 8th | *Arriving at* | *Who* | *Need/Offer* | *Remarks* | | 13:00 | DaveMorris | Need 1 seat | | <br /> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r2 - 2016-04-28 - DaveMorris
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