<br /> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup --> ---+ DAL Working Group Sessions: May 2017, Shanghai, China | *DAL 1: Implementation Feedback && DAL future (Monday May 15: 1600-1730, Room D)* |||| | *Speaker* | *Title* | *Time* | *Materials* | | Marco Molinaro | Refreshing SCS specification | 10' + 5' | | | Petr Skoda | SSA revisited | 10' + 5' | | | James Demspey | CASDA DAL implementations | 10' + 5' | | | Chaitra | !DataLink, !SODA, TAP client facilities in Aladin | 10' + 5' || | François Bonnarel | Discovering and accessing datasets : status and ideas. | 15' + 5' || | All | Discussion | 10' | | | *DAL 2: DAL future (end) && DALI ,TAP, ADQL (Tuesday May 16: 1400-1530, Room D)* |||| | *Speaker* | *Title* | *Time* | *Materials* | | Nicolas Moreau | !SLAP evolution towards VAMDC | 10' + 2' | | | Bruce Berriman | Efficiency of Spatial Indexing Methods Applied to Large Astronomical Databases | 10' + 2' | | | Pat Dowler | !DALI + TAP status | 10' + 2' | | | Dave Morris | !ADQL status and perspectives | 10' + 2' || | Walter Landry | !ADQL grammar: BNF to PEG | 10' + 2' || | Gregory Mantelet | TAP & MOC | 10' + 2' || | All | Discussion | 18' | |
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r3 - 2017-05-02 - MarcoMolinaro
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