Preliminary agenda. Time schedule, Talk titles are not set yet * DM1: Monday May 15 - 14h 15h30 - Room E * [AR] STC2 status * [MCD] VO-DML status * [ML] Provenance status * DM2: Thusday May 18 - 9h 10h30 - Room D * [Screencast by PH] VODSL to VO-DML Eclipse plugin (TBC) * [PD] CAOM2 in VO-DML VO-DML Mapping * DM/Apps : Wednesday 17 - 14h 15h30 - Room D * [MCD] VO-DML mapping overview MCD * [LM] Healpix in STC from UML to VOTable * [FB] Convergence between UType and VO DML roles (TBC) * Discussions -- IVOA.LaurentMichel - 2017-04-12
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r1 - 2017-04-12 - LaurentMichel
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