DM sessions - draft program
DM1 Tuesday 29 16h-17h30 Spirit CD
Title |
Speaker |
Duration |
Materials |
Chairing/Introduction |
5 |
VO-DML, vodataservice tablesets description for VOtables and utypes |
François Bonnarel |
15+3 |
VODML Mapping WD: Reference Implementations and Tools |
+ Modeling Implementations Website |
OL |
10 |
+ Rama, an Astropy aware Python parser for VODML |
OL |
10 |
+ Mapping Tool |
GL |
20 |
+ Hubble Source Catalog Implementation |
TD |
15 |
+ Demo of interoperability between independent implementations |
TD |
+ Simplifying the VODML Mapping syntax |
OL |
10 |
+ Collaborating and Testing: GIT and Continuous Integration |
OL |
10 |
Questions |
15 |
VODML hackathon Wednesday May 30 14h-17h30 Spirit
Session page
DM 2 Thursday May 31 16h-17h30 Spirit AB
Title |
Speaker |
Duration |
Materials |
Chairing/Introduction |
LM |
5 |
STC status |
20 |
Cube status |
15 |
Provenance |
Provenance Team |
20 |
IVOA types model |
Pat Dowler |
15 |
Data Discover discussion topic (TBC) |
Kai Polsterer |
15 |
LaurentMichel - 2018-05-23
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Topic revision: r6 - 2018-05-29 - MarkCresitelloDittmar