Registry Working Group Sessions: May 2018, Victoria
Registry 1 (Tuesday 16-17:30, Spirit): Towards VODataService 1.2
Speaker |
Title |
Time |
Material |
Markus Demleitner |
Introduction |
0:05 |
Markus Demleitner |
STC in the Registry |
0:20 |
Brian Major |
DALI interfaces |
0:10 |
Markus Demleitner |
VODataService 1.2: from VOSI to DataCollection |
0:20 |
Registry 2 (Wednesday 09-10:30, Harbour): Registry Operations
Speaker |
Title |
Time |
Material |
Theresa Dower |
Introduction |
0:05 |
Costas Vrioni |
Registry Anomalies |
0:20 |
Markus Demleitner |
RegTAP 1.1 implementation feedback from GAVO |
0:10 |
Markus Demleitner |
DOIs for registry records: voidoi |
0:10 |
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Topic revision: r3 - 2018-05-28 - MarkusDemleitner