Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf 190515_CTA_Pipeline_v2.pdf r1 manage 2102.8 K 2019-05-15 - 13:08 MicheleSanguillon Provenane implementation in CTA pipeline
PDFpdf 190515_CTA_Pipeline_v3.pdf r1 manage 2226.8 K 2019-05-15 - 13:44 MicheleSanguillon Provenane implementation in CTA pipeline
PDFpdf 2019-05-15_servillat_provenance_IVOA.pdf r1 manage 2897.9 K 2019-05-15 - 13:53 MathieuServillat  
PDFpdf HughesOAISDM.pdf r1 manage 1918.3 K 2019-05-14 - 11:45 BaptisteCecconi  
PDFpdf MMolinaro_sourceDMdiscussion_Paris2019.pdf r1 manage 1358.3 K 2019-05-13 - 12:14 MarcoMolinaro  
PDFpdf Model_status.pdf r1 manage 329.1 K 2019-05-14 - 10:11 MarkCresitelloDittmar Cube-Trans-Meas model status
PowerPointppt PDS4_OAIS_190514e.ppt r1 manage 5927.0 K 2019-05-14 - 11:38 BaptisteCecconi  
PDFpdf SSLDM_moreau_Paris2019.pdf r2 r1 manage 111.6 K 2019-05-15 - 12:59 NicolasMoreau  
JavaScriptjs Trans-SIP.js r1 manage 5.4 K 2019-05-14 - 12:26 FrancoisBonnarel json serialization attempt of trans serialization example (SIP case)
PDFpdf VO-DML_Serializations.pdf r1 manage 504.6 K 2019-05-14 - 09:35 GerardLemson presentation on VO-DML serialization
PDFpdf WCS2STCTransform.pdf r1 manage 4932.3 K 2019-05-14 - 13:00 FrancoisBonnarel WCS polynomial distortions versus transformation data model
XMLxml annot_trans.xml r2 r1 manage 6.8 K 2019-05-14 - 18:54 FrancoisBonnarel VODM-lite annotation of a trans serialization example
PDFpdf caom-developments-2019.pdf r1 manage 312.0 K 2019-05-14 - 12:05 PatrickDowler  
PDFpdf ivoa2019-provenance-applause-galkin.pdf r1 manage 9250.9 K 2019-05-15 - 13:32 AnastasiaGalkin  
PDFpdf musewise.pdf r1 manage 366.9 K 2019-05-15 - 13:51 OleStreicher MuseWISE Provenance implementation

This topic: IVOA > WebHome > IvoaEvents > InterOpMay2019 > InterOpMay2019DM
Topic revision: r23 - 2019-05-15 - MathieuServillat
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