Operations Interest Group Sessions: May 2019, Paris, France
Session 1: Operations Status and Review |
Speaker |
Title |
Materials |
Time |
Tom McGlynn |
Introduction and Monitoring |
10' |
Pierre Le Sidaner and Renaud Savalle |
VO-Paris VO Weather Report |
15' |
Christophe Arviset |
Euro-VO VO Weather Report |
15' |
Tom McGlynn and Mark Taylor |
Review of status of validators |
wiki |
7' |
Services which should enter the deprecation process |
Discussion topic |
How has the Operations IG functioned; How can we do better |
Session 2: Center Operations and Pending Issues |
Speaker |
Title |
Materials |
Time |
Stephane Erard |
VO Operations at the Observatoire de Paris |
Theresa Dower |
VO Operations at MAST |
Tom McGlynn |
Themes in VO Operations talks in the past 4 years. |
Discussion topics |
VO Support for FTP and FTPS |
VO Operations with Massive Data Sets |
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Topic revision: r2 - 2019-04-29 - TomMcGlynn