---+ Solar System Interest Group Sessions: May 2019, Paris, France | Plenary |||| | Monday, May 13, 16:00--17:30, Salle Le Verrier |||| | Speaker | Title | Materials | Time | | Tom Stein | IPDA | | 15+3 | | Chiara Marmo | GeoFITS: proposing a planetary surface extension for FITS metadata | | 15+3 | | Stéphane Erard | Europlanet-VESPA | | 15+3 | | Eleonora Alei | Exo-MerCat: a merged exoplanet catalog | | 15+3 | | Baptiste Cecconi | ExPRES radio emission modeling and ESA/JUICE mission support | | 15+3 | | Splinter |||| | Tuesday, May 14, 11:00--12:30, Salle Le Verrier |||| | Speaker | Title | Materials | Time | | Pierre Le Sidaner | Querying NASA/PDS with VESPA/EPNcore keywords | | 15+5 | | Véronique Delouille | Sharing Solar data with ESCAPE | | 15+5 | | Steve Joy | Planetary Reference Frame nomenclature (status) | | 15+5 | | Stéphane Erard | Using Datalink and nice to have functions | | 15+5 | | ASI ? | Solar System datasets | | |
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r1 - 2019-05-06 - BaptisteCecconi
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