---+!! DAL "DRAFT" sessions schedule - IVOA May 2020 Virtual Interoperability Meeting This is the schedule setup for DAL related sessions at the Virtual IVOA Meeting (May 2020). *DRAFT: April 30* %TOC% ---+++ Virtual Meeting (May 5-8) Sessions <a name="DataLink"></a> ---++ DataLink "work on resolving current issues" <strong>(Wednesday May 6, 4:30-5:30 UTC) [[https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20200505T0430&p1=1440&ah=1][Other times zones]]<br /></strong> * *Introduction by: Pat?/François? * slides: * connection details * etherpad notes & question collector: <a name="ADQL"></a> ---++ ADQL "status & discussion" *(Thursday May 7, 6:00-7:00 UTC)* * *Introduction by: Gregory Mantelet * slides: ATTACH-here * connection details * etherpad notes & question collector: https://yopad.eu/p/IVOA_Virtual2020_ADQL <a name="ConeSearch"></a> ---++ ConeSearch "status & discussion" *(Thursday May 7, 13:30-14:30 UTC)* * *Introduction by: Marco Molinaro * slides: ATTACH-here * connection details * etherpad notes & question collector: https://yopad.eu/p/IVOA_Virtual2020_ConeSearch ---++ A Python based TAP Server at Caltech/IPAC-NExScI *(Thursday May 7, 20:30-21:30 UTC)* * See Apps? * <a name="OLapOVap"></a> ---++ Object Visibility SAP & Observation Locator TAP *(Friday May 8, 4:30-5:30 UTC)* * *Introduction by: Jesus & Aitor * slides: ATTACH-here * connection details * etherpad notes & question collector: ---++ Feedback on SIA2/SODA including PyVO developments *(Friday May 8, 15:00-16:00 UTC)* * Who introduces and what's the scope of this... ---+++ Other sessions ---++!! to be scheduled in later weeks or dropped * DALI * SIAP-2.x/SODA (covered in the PyVO devel one?) * ProvTAP * SLAP * MAST TESScut as SODA service <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup * Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = IVOA.MarcoMolinaro, IVOA.JamesDempsey -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r5 - 2020-04-30 - JamesDempsey
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