<span style="background-color: transparent;">This is the schedule setup for GWS related sessions at the Virtual IVOA Meeting (May 2020).</span> <span style="background-color: transparent;">The GWS session during the virtual meeting will be an open discussion on the following topics. A moderator will chair the discussion and a "secretary" will take notes on etherpad, where also the other participats will have the possibility to annotate their ideas, questions and suggestions.</span> The table below shows the GWS related session start time and date at various time zones. If you don't find your time zone there, or for cross-check, have a look at a tool like [[https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/][this one]]. Topics that didn't find a place in the main week sessions will be scheduled by GWS in the following weeks, accordingly to interest and attendance availability. *DRAFT: April 30* | *Schedule Summary* ||||||| | *Topic* | *DateTime UTC* | *UTC-07:00* | *UTC-04:00* | *UTC+02:00* | *UTC+08:00* | *UTC+10:00* | | ^ | ^ | _Victoria BC_ | _Washington DC/Pasadena_ | _Strasbourg_ | _Perth/Beijing_ | _Sydney_ | | [[#SciPlat][Science Platforms]] | May 5 20:30 | May 5 13:30 | May 5 16:30 | May 5 10:30 | May 5 04:30 | May 4 06:30 | | [[#SSO][Single Sign On]] | May 6 13:30 | May 6 06:30 | May 6 09:30 | May 6 15:30 | May 6 21:30 | May 6 23:30 | | [[#GMS][GMS Authorization Protocol]] | May 6 22:00 | May 6 15:00 | May 6 18:00 | May 7 00:00 | May 7 06:00 | May 7 08:00 | ---+++ Virtual Meeting (May 5-8) Sessions <a name="SciPlat"></a> ---++ What can the IVOA provide towards the standardization of Science Platforms? -<strong>(Tuesday May 5, 20:30-21:30 UTC) </strong> * *Introduction by: Giuliano?/Christine? * slides: * connection details * etherpad notes & question collector: <a name="SSO"></a> ---++ Single sign on: towards a new standard able to allow apps and services to access easily private data *(Wednesday May 6, 13:30-14:30 UTC)* * *Introduction by: Giuliano? and/or Pat? * slides: * connection details * etherpad notes & question collector: <a name="GMS"></a> ---++ Auth. protocols (GMS) - Status, discussion & RFC transition *(Wednesday May 5, 22:00-23:00 UTC)* * *Introduction by: Brian * slides: * connection details * etherpad notes & question collector:
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r1 - 2020-04-30 - GiulianoTaffoni
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