KDIG Session
Tuesday May 12 - Virtual - 19:00 - 21:00 UTC
Speaker |
Title |
Duration |
Materials |
Kai Polsterer |
Introduction |
5' |
pdf |
Gerard Lemson |
SciServer |
25' + 10' |
Petr Skoda |
Active Learning in the VO-Cloud |
15' + 10' |
pdf |
Jiri Nadvornik |
Hierachical Cubes with Uncertainties |
15' + 10' |
Petr Skoda |
Self Organizing Maps in the VO-Cloud (historical work) |
5' |
Antonio D'Isanto |
Megavis (watch video in advance!!!) |
5' + 10' |
youtube video pdf |
All |
Open Discussion: are we ready for data-science? Next steps in KDIG |
10' |
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Topic revision: r8 - 2020-05-12 - KaiLarsPolsterer