Radioastronomy Interest Group Session
Tuesday May 5th, 13:30 - 14:30 UTC, Virtual
Speaker |
Title |
Time |
Material |
Mark Lacy |
Motivation and summary of work done so far in the Radioastronomy Interest Group |
10' + 2' |
François Bonnarel |
ESCAPE radio astronomy developments |
10' + 2' |
James Depmsey |
Australian radio astronomy VO status |
10' + 2' |
Alan Loh |
NenuFAR usage of VO stantards for low-frequency radio astronomy |
5' + 2' |
Yan Grange |
Use of VO standards at ASTRON |
5' + 2' |
Mark Kettenis |
Use of VO standards at JIVE |
5' + 2' |
All |
Discussion and wrap-up |
3' |
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