---+ Applications Working Group Sessions: May 2023, Bologna, Italy <br /><br /><b>%RED%This schedule is a draft very prone to changes!!%ENDCOLOR%</b> | *Apps I* |||| | Wednesday, May 10, 11:00--12:30, Plenary Room |||| | *Speaker* | *Title* | *Abstract* | *Materials* | *Time* | | Thomas Boch | Recent HiPS activity at CDS | I will discuss new HiPS datasets generated or updated (DeCAPS DR2, DES DR2, DESI Legacy Survey DR10, HST, JWST) and experimentation (WebP, cuts by region) we developed. | | 15+3 | | Deborah Baines, Henrik Norman | _TAP Registry Access and ADQL in ESASky_ | ESASky's latest version provides access to all services registered in the TAP Registry, including VizieR (CDS). TAP table metadata, sources and footprints can be loaded in ESASky with just a few clicks, and for the first time in ESASky, ADQL can be used to query TAP tables. | | 15+3 | | Markus Demleitner | How to deal with different major versions of a standard in pyVO and beyond? | In pyVO, we are currently overhauling the discovery of image services, and the questions we ask ourselves are probably relevant to similar consumers of VO services, too, first and foremost: what does "do an all-VO query of image services" mean when, for the forseeable future, there will be SIA1 and SIA2 services coexisting? | | 15+3 | | Matthieu Baumann | Aladin Lite v3 | "Aladin Lite v3" which was released in January 2023. Many features have been implemented such as the support of all sky projections visualization, a better MOC support as well as the support of FITS image rendering of up to a few gigabytes. This talk will also give instructions for people wanting to embed Aladin Lite v3 into their own web sites. | | 15+3 | | Pierre Fernique | F-MOC - Towards a frequency MOC ? | Study of the possible extension of MOC to the electromagnetic axis. | [[%ATTACHURL%/FMOC_IVOA_Bologne_Fernique.pdf][pdf]] | 15+3 | <verbatim> </verbatim> | *Operations/Applications Joint Session I: Wednesday 10 May, 16:00-17:30 (Session #12), Plenary Room* |||| | *Speaker* | *Title* | *Materials* | *Abstract* | | Alberto Micol | VO Polygon Tool | | | | Mark Taylor | TOPCAT/STILTS Updates | | Summary of changes in the recent release of TOPCAT and STILTS, especially support for !ADQL 2.1 and !DataLink 1.1. | | J.M. Glorian | Last developments on the CASSIS spectra software | | with in particular a prototype of a client's implementation for the protocol currently being defined LineTAP and an implementation using the library of mark taylor for the services authentication. | | Sara Nieto | status of VO services exposed by ESA, like Gaia, Euclid, Helio and Planetary missions | | | | Mark Taylor + All | Operations discussion topics | | Authentication and Ops, HTTPS, more? | <verbatim> </verbatim> | *Apps II* |||| | Thursday, May 11, 11:00--12:30, Room 216 |||| | *Speaker* | *Title* | *Abstract* | *Materials* | *Time* | | Tom Donaldson | Towards VOTable1.5 | Going one step further in the evolution of VOTable, the different issues | | 11+3 | | Pierre Le Sidaner | Discovery portal on vespa using Elastic Search | Other approach on data discovery with large amount of data collections in TAP queries | | 11+3 | | Jutta Schnabel | Very-high-energy Open Data Format | In very-high-energy (VHE) gamma-ray astronomy, the community has converged to use a common open data format (GADF) for the high-level data products. With the arrival of open observatories like CTA or KM3NeT and the increasing number of multi-wavelength and multi-messenger studies, a new initiative has been created to specify formats of high-level data from very and ultra high energy gamma-ray facilities and from VHE neutrino ones. This contribution will present the Very-high-energy Open Data Format (VODF) project that has been settled by 11 VHE astroparticle facilities and how it aims to better respect the FAIR principles and the IVOA recommendations. | | 11+3 | | Francois-Xavier Pineau | News from MOC Lib Rust, MOCPy and other derivatives | New features (including F-MOCs, multi-operations, ...), the MOCPy/MOCCLi/MOCWasm evolutions, a GUI to manipulate MOCs running both on desktops and web browsers, ... | | 11+3 | | Francois-Xavier Pineau | A VOTable parsing library in Rust | Able to transform back and forth VOTables in JSON/TOML/YAML; supporting<br />DATABLE, BINARY and BINARY2; supporting a streaming mode | | 11+3 | | Adrian Damian | PyVO Refresher | What's new in PyVO plus a refresher on how to make contributions. | | 17+3 |
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2023-05-07 - 11:38
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r11 - 2023-05-07 - AdrianDamian
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