DAL Sessions Schedule - IVOA May 2023 Interoperability Meeting

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Schedule Summary
Session DateTime UTC UTC-07:00 UTC-04:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+08:00 UTC+10:00
Victoria BC/Pasadena Washington DC Bologna Perth/Beijing Canberra
DAL 1 9 May 09:00 9 May 02:00 9 May 05:00 9 May 11:00 9 May 17:00 9 May 19:00
DAL 2 11 May 14:00 11 May 07:00 11 May 10:00 11 May 16:00 11 May 22:00 12 May 00:00

Notes and session video recording are linked below each session schedule table.


Time: Tuesday 9 May 11:00 CEST [session #6]

Speaker Title Time Material Abstract
Joshua Fraustro Python TAP implementation at MAST: Lessons Learned 12'+3'   STScI will be launching its overhauled TAP service rewritten as a Python-based microservice this summer.

We’ll cover the challenges, quirks, and lessons learned implementing a set of standards that continue to evolve while attempting to maintain years of client compatibility.

Patrick Dowler TAP-next: user-managed persistent tables 15'+14'    
Tamara Civera ADQL vector functions implementation in the Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre (OAJ) 12'+3'   The Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre (OAJ, Teruel, Spain) is carrying out two large area multiband photometric sky surveys, J-PLUS (Cenarro et al. 2019) and J-PAS (Bonoli et al. 2021), covering the entire optical spectrum using narrow and broad band filters. To publish these surveys data, the CEFCA Catalogues portal (archive.cefca.es) has been implemented, offering web user interface services as well as VO services like SIAP, SCS, TAP and catalogue and images HIPS. Surveys data includes the catalogues of the sources detected in the images with the photometry for each object in the different bands measured using different methods. All this information is stored in tables containing massive amounts of vectors.

In this contribution we present our implementation of some ADQL vector functions, and a proposal to add to ADQL a new concept called "Enumerations" which can be used as constants in queries and can make the access to the data of those vectors easier for the user.

Grégory Mantelet ADQL-next 15+14    
Moderator: James, Notetaker: Grégory

notes: ( link to live notes, should expire around end of June 2023)


Time: Thursday 11 May 16:00 CEST [session #16]

Speaker Title Time Material Abstract
Petr Skoda Echelle spectra and the ways toward their VO interoperability 12'+3'   Echelle spectrograph is one of the most precise astronomical instruments delivering the highest spectral resolution and widest spectral range together. Currently, it is the crucial instrument for exoplanet research capable of delivering radial velocity precision of the order of several meters per second. This is unfortunately achieved at the expense of extremely complicated reduction procedures resulting in a zoo of custom storage formats requiring individual programmatic access to achieve the maximum precision. As there is no generally accepted format for interoperability of echelle spectra, the providers convert the results in a format of 1D vector as in single-order spectra leading to the severe degradation of its potential. As the future exoplanet missions as e.g., PLATO are inherently dependent on a multitude of different ground-based observatories equipped with echelle spectrographs, there is a great challenge for the IVOA to develop the proper interoperable data format and access patterns (supported by massive queries and server-side processing). We will give an overview of the problems in echelle spectroscopy and suggest possible ways for an IVOA standard.
Margarida Castro Neves LineTAP implementation in SPLAT-VO 12'+3'    
Patrick Dowler DALI 12'+3'    
François Bonnarel SIA2/DAP + SODA 12'+3'    
Grégory Mantelet Simbad's Cone Search implementation 12'+3'    
Various DAL RFC Overview 12'+3'   Lightning talks on each RFC currently open
Moderator: Grégory, Notetaker: James

notes: ( link to live notes, should expire around end of June 2023)

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