GWS Sessions Schedule - IVOA May 2023 Interoperability Meeting

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Schedule Summary
Session DateTime CEST DateTime UTC UTC-07:00 UTC-04:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+08:00 UTC+10:00
Victoria BC/Pasadena Washington DC Bologna Perth/Beijing Canberra
GWS 1 9 May 14:00 CEST 9 May 12:00 UTC 9 May 05:00 9 May 08:00 9 May 14:00 9 May 20:00 9 May 22:00
GWS 2 11 May 09:00 CEST 11 May 07:00 UTC 11 May 00:00 11 May 03:00 11 May 09:00 11 May 15:00 11 May 17:00

Notes and session video recording are linked below each session schedule table.


Time: Tuesday 9 May 14:00 CEST [session #7]

Speaker Title Time Time Material Abstract
Giuliano Taffoni GWS Status and perspectives 5' 14:00 PDF Introduction to the status of the GWS. Activity done during the last year.
Séverin Gaudet TBD 12' 14:05 PDF TBD
Simon O'Tool TBD 12' 14:18 PDF TBD
Dave Morris Execution Planner update 12' 14:30 PDF Changes to the design from new use cases. Adding time and date ranges, "when can I do this". Simplifying the API and using UWS for execution
Stefano Alberto Russo Container Challenges 12' 14:42 PDF TBD
Sara Bertocco TBD 12' 14:55 PDF TBD
Patrick Dowler TBD 12' 15:08 PDF TBD
Baptiste Cecconi EXTRACT-TASKA: orchestration, data mining and decision making in radio astronomy 10' 15:15 PDF The EXTRACT project aims at building a compute continuum framework for extreme datamining. Radio astronomy is one of the selected use cases, with the NenuFAR instrument, an SKA pathfinder, focussing on transient astrophysics. The result of the project will be a computing framework enabling distributed computing, orchestrated across cloud infrastructures, from the raw data production to the public release of the derived data.
All Discussion 5' 15:25   General discussion following the talks


Time: Thursday 11 May 09:00 CEST [session #13]

Speaker Title Time Time Material Abstract
Dave Morris Introduction 5' 09:00 - Updating the IVOA specifications
Frossie Economou A “what-if?” VO service implementation 20' 09:05 - For historical reasons, Rubin Science Platform had a mature web services architecture before starting to implement many of the required VO-compliant APIs.
This made the gaps between the our common development patterns and the ones required to implement the standards particularly noticeable.
We have talked about these issues before in the IVOA context (see also but sometimes these arguments come across as theoretical, or can end up being dominated by format arguments (e.g., xml vs json).
In order to demonstrate more concretely the issues we have raised, we have done a what-if implementation alongside our standard compliant SODA service to highlight some of the divergence with current web services practice.
We would like to prompt a discussion on how the standards can change not to solve any specific concern as a one-off, but in order to be able to evolve again, and again.
ALL Discussion 60' 09:25  

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