(DRAFT) DAL sessions schedule
IVOA 2018 November College Park Interoperability Meeting
Current contributions (2018-09-29)
- HiPSToFits prototype and ideas for SIAv2-next and SODA-next ( Chaitra & François Bonnarel)
- (possible) Datalink-1.1 if editor/authors agree ( by TBD)
- could be a DALI/DataLink by Pat
- TAP-Next? ( Pat) - DAL or DAL/GWS/Registry
- TAP 1.1 authentication in TOPCAT/STILTS ( Mark Taylor) - possible for DAL/GWS/ReR session
- ASVO Authentication Plans (Simon O'Toole) - possible for DAL/GWS/ReR session
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MarcoMolinaro > InterOpNov2018DAL
Topic revision: r5 - 2018-10-11 - JamesDempsey