Applications Working Group : November 2023, Online

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Applications Session 1: Saturday Nov 11 2023 @ 14:00-15:30 (Session #1)
Speaker Title Materials Time
François Bonnarel

Access from visualisation tools to SKA science images and cubes stored in a rucio DataLake through IVOA discovery and access services


pdf 12+3 mins
Markus Demleitner

Global image discovery in PyVO

Global dataset discovery is one of the promises of the VO that is still very hard to do for normal users. I am currently writing code to provide a pyVO-based API for the particularly hairy case of image discovery ( Problems to be solved include: (a) dealing with the three available protocols (SIA1, SIA2, Obscore); (b) keeping the number of services to be queried low while accomodating services still not declaring STC coverage; (c) providing a sensible API to keep track of unresponsive or broken services without confusing casual usage; (d) keeping the number of dupicates low. This talk will discuss the state of affairs – and of course invite participation.

Mark Taylor

Authentication in TOPCAT

The most recent release of TOPCAT/STILTS can work with services that implement the "SSO_next" draft authentication proposal. That means TOPCAT users can log in within the application to access TAP and other (e.g. DataLink) services that declare their authentication arrangements as described by SSO_next. Currently known services that this covers include DaCHS, CADC, and soon ESDC. The library that enables this is suitable for use by third-party java applications.

Jonathan Normand

Solar system Open Database Network (SsODNet)

The sample of Solar system objects (asteroids, comets) has dramatically increased over the last decade. The number of measured properties (e.g. diameter, mass, etc.) has expanded even more quickly. We aim at offering a practical solution to the identification of Solar system objects from any of their multiple designation. We also aim at compiling and rationalizing the properties to provide an easy access to them. During Victoria 2018 Interop I presented the identification of Solar system objects and now I would like to focus on how to access to all these properties.



Applications Session 2: Sunday Nov 12 2023 @ 9:00-10:30 (Session #1)
Speaker Title Materials Time
xxx xxx pdf 12+3 mins

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