Data Model Working Group : November 2023, Tucson, AZ.

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DataModel Session 1: Saturday Nov 11 2023 @ 9:00-10:30 (Session #5)
Speaker Title Materials Time
Mark CresitelloDittmar Intro and status of DM Roadmap pdf  
Mark CresitelloDittmar Cube/Dataset models in the high energy context pdf 10+3
William (Trey) Roby IPAC - grouping spectra in VOTable   10+3
Laurent Michel MIVOT: development status and progress 2023-Mivot-DM-Tuscon.pdf 12+3
Laurent Michel MANGO: Redesign after the workshop and the MIVOT recommendation 2023-Mivot-DM-Tuscon.pdf 12+3
François Bonnarel (on behalf of the RadioIG) Last news from the ObsCore Extension for radio data   12+3
François Bonnarel / Mathieu Servillat Discussion around an ObsCore Extension for high energy data   12+3


Speaker Abstract
Laurent Michel

MIVOT: development status and progress

In this presentation we will remind the MIVOT syntax, from the simplest pattern to quite complex cases.
After that we will give an overview on the models that can be used with MIVOT yet. We will conclude with
an overview on the implementation on both server and client side. This talk will be based on the ADASS
poster P112.

Laurent Michel

MANGO: Redesign after the workshop and the MIVOT recommandation

MANGO is a model for describing catalog data. The draft has been presented in 2019 (Groningen) and after it has been put on hold during the DM workshop and until MIVOT be a recommandation. The work on it has been resumed since with major changes that will be presented at the session. MANGO is still open for supporting new data patterns.

François Bonnarel (on behalf of the RadioIG)

Last news from the ObsCore Extension for radio data Working draft

The WD has recently integrated better description of Single dish data, dataproduct_types, instrument types, and sky scan modes. An appendix with a set of use cases ADQL queries has been added. First test implementations are developed. Towards PR ?

François Bonnarel / Mathieu Servillat

Discussion around an ObsCore Extension for high energy event-list data

Data in the High Energy domain has some specificities, in particular the base dataset is often an Event List,
that contains information on each detection (e.g. a probable photon with its time of arrival, coordinates and energy).
ObsCore description can be adapted to such data, but may require some adjustments or an extension. This topic
has been discussed in the context of the ESCAPE European project, then during 2 ASOV workshops and now at the
IVOA level during High Energy splinter meetings.

Mark CD

Cube/Dataset models in the high energy context

Trey Roby

IPAC - grouping Spectra in VOTable

At IPAC and using Firefly we are looking for ways to handle a group of spectra in one VO file. We use the spectrum data model which defines one spectrum but we need to also handle many spectra. We are working on a VO table format the will define one or two spectrum per line. Then we can extract spectra into the spectrum data model for display. This is a work in progress so we are seeking feedback as well.


Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf 2023-Mivot-DM-Tuscon.pdf r1 manage 3081.4 K 2023-11-11 - 04:28 LaurentMichel  
PDFpdf DM_session_intro.pdf r1 manage 2133.9 K 2023-11-11 - 04:06 MarkCresitelloDittmar Introductory remarks
PDFpdf HE_and_Cube.pdf r1 manage 34.7 K 2023-11-11 - 04:06 MarkCresitelloDittmar Cube in the context of HE data

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Topic revision: r7 - 2023-11-11 - LaurentMichel
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