---+ GWS Session Schedule - IVOA Nov 2024 Interoperability Meeting * [[InterOpNov2024][back to main programme page]] * ---++ Draft Schedule Time: 09:00-10:30 [[https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=DAL1&iso=20231110T14&p1=393&ah=1&am=30][<br />]] *Location: Room 103* | *Speaker* | *Title* | *Time* | *Material* | *Abstract* | | Dave Morris | Execution Planner Update | 15'+5' | | | | Yan Grange | Software Discovery Characterisation | 15'+5' | | | | Brian Major | Container Image Metadata in Science Platforms using CANFAR | 15'+5' | | | | James Tocknell | SSO-next-based approach to allowing non-browser-based VO clients to use OAuth 2.x/OIDC | 15'+5' | | As covered at previous interops, the SSO standard is showing its age, and the SSO-next effort is trying to address this. One part that has been unclear how to address is the OAuth 2.x/Open ID Connect ecosystem of authorization and authentication. This talk follows up a previous suggestion named 'ivoa-oauth' to the GWS mailing list, with the aim to discover what's been overlooked and what needs are not met by the proposal. | | Sara Bertocco | SSO-next open discussion | | | | Moderators: IVOA.JesusSalgado and [[IVOA.SaraBertocco][IVOA.SaraBertocco ]] [[IVOA.JamesDempsey][<br />]] *Notes: TBD* * [[InterOpNov2024][back to main programme page]] *
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r2 - 2024-10-30 - JesusSalgado
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