---+ Protocol Transitioning Tiger Team at the [[InterOpNov2024][IVOA Nov 2024 Interoperability Meeting]] [ [[InterOpNov2024][back to main programme page]] ] ---++ DRAFT Schedule | *P3T Session: Friday, November 15, 2024 @14:00-15:30 CEST (Session #3) Room: Aula Magna* |||| | *Speaker* | *Title and Abstract* | *Materials* | *Time* | | Janet Evans | Intro ... | | 1 | | Joshua Fraustro | <b>UWS Through OpenAPI: </b>A look at describing the UWS standard through an OpenAPI document, in stepped changes, and the effects on standard readability. | | 10 | | Pat Dowler | *Immediate Impact:* TAP-1.2 (1.1 + user table extension) | | 10 | | All | _Questions/Discussion on Impact - Brian Major Moderate_ | | 25 | | Russ Aubrey | *Future:* Document Refresh | | 10 | | Dave Morris | *Future:* Execution Broker | | 10 | | All | _Questions/Discussion on Future - Brian Major Moderate_ | | 25 | ---++ Relevant Links and Information * Moderator: IVOA.BrianMajor [[IVOA.RenaudSavalle][<br />]] * Note Taker: IVOA.JanetEvans [[IVOA.TessJaffe][<br />]] * Collaborative Notes <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r4 - 2024-11-09 - PatrickDowler
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