---+ Registry Session at the [[InterOpNov2024][IVOA Nov 2024 Interoperability Meeting]] [ [[InterOpNov2024][back to main programme page]] ] ---++ DRAFT Schedule | *Registry Session: Saturday November 16, 2024 @14:00-15:30 CEST (Session #7) Room 103* |||| | *Speaker* | *Title and Abstract* | *Materials* | *Time* | | Christophe Arviset, Henrik Norman (ESAC) | *Registry statistics per country* <br /> Following discussion within the IVOA Exec about how much the VO protocols spread worldwide, in particular within the IVOA partners, an action has been set to try to identify these through the VO Registries, either as managed authorities or through VO Resources, in particular Data Access services (i.e. TAP, CS, SIAP, SSAP, HiPS, ). This presentation will show an attempt to provide such information through the Euro-VO Registry. | | 15+5 | | Robert Nikutta (NOIRLab) | *Registry work at NOIRLab/CSDC* <br /> abstract TBC | | 15+5 | | Markus Demleitner (Univ. Heidelberg) | *VOResource-1.2* <br /> abstract TBC | | 10+5 | | Markus Demleitner (Univ. Heidelberg) | *Writing a Registry Record that People Will Find* <br />When you write up the metadata for your VO resource, getting it syntactically right schema validation is good. But you can do better if you keep in mind that you want to be found, too. Whether that's the case for your record is something no machine can tell you (so far). In this talk, I will give a few practical examples with which to build a some common sense on what makes a record findable. | | 10+5 | | All | Discussion || 10 | ---++ Relevant Links and Information * Moderator: IVOA.RenaudSavalle * Note Taker: IVOA.TessJaffe * Collaborative Notes: <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r1 - 2024-10-17 - RenaudSavalle
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