Registry Session at the IVOA Nov 2024 Interoperability Meeting

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Registry Session: Saturday November 16, 2024 @14:00-15:30 CEST (Session #7) Room 103
Speaker Title and Abstract Materials Time
Renaud Savalle Intro and Documents Status intro+status 3
Christophe Arviset, Henrik Norman (ESAC) Registry statistics per country
Following discussion within the IVOA Exec about how much the VO protocols spread worldwide, in particular within the IVOA partners, an action has been set to try to identify these through the VO Registries, either as managed authorities or through VO Resources, in particular Data Access services (i.e. TAP, CS, SIAP, SSAP, HiPS, …). This presentation will show an attempt to provide such information through the Euro-VO Registry.
pdf 15+5
Robert Nikutta (NOIRLab) A New VO Publishing Registry Framework at NOIRLab
The ability to discover NOIRLab's data services through the VO Registry was long overdue. A process that began at the Bologna Interop has lead to fruitful discussions, followed by an implementation and roll-out of a NOIRLab publishing registry. I will present our journey to this point, including the implementation philosophy, open-sourced availability, and documentation.
pdf 15+5
Markus Demleitner (Univ. Heidelberg) VOResource-1.2
Since VOResource 1.2 is in PR now, I will give a brief overview of the changes -- mainly, altIdentifiers (DOIs, orcids) on all resource names and the syntax for UAT references in the subjects and how data providers can exploit them. I will also discuss what this means in terms of discovery.
notes 10+5
Markus Demleitner (Univ. Heidelberg) Writing a Registry Record that People Will Find
When you write up the metadata for your VO resource, getting it syntactically right – schema validation – is good. But you can do better if you keep in mind that you want to be found, too. Whether that's the case for your record is something no machine can tell you (so far). In this talk, I will give a few practical examples with which to build a some common sense on what makes a record findable.
notes 10+5
All Discussion topics 10

Relevant Links and Information


Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf 20241116-Arviset-RegistryStatisticsPerCountries.pdf r1 manage 3802.0 K 2024-11-16 - 10:57 ChristopheArviset  
PDFpdf InterOpNov2024Reg_instrostatus.pdf r1 manage 1232.7 K 2024-11-16 - 11:20 RenaudSavalle Registry Intro+Documents Status
PDFpdf InterOpNov2024Reg_introstatus.pdf r1 manage 1232.7 K 2024-11-16 - 11:23 RenaudSavalle Registry Intro+Documents Status
PDFpdf InterOpNov2024Reg_status.pdf r1 manage 848.8 K 2024-11-16 - 11:14 RenaudSavalle Registry Documents Status
PDFpdf InterOpNov2024Reg_topics.pdf r1 manage 1364.4 K 2024-11-16 - 10:14 RenaudSavalle Topics for Discussion
PDFpdf vor12.pdf r1 manage 76.9 K 2024-11-14 - 14:04 MarkusDemleitner  
PDFpdf voreg-noirlab-slides-robertnikutta.pdf r1 manage 401.6 K 2024-11-16 - 08:59 RobertNikutta New VO Publishing Registry implmentation at NOIRLab - Talk at IVOA Interop Malta 2024
PDFpdf writing.pdf r1 manage 119.5 K 2024-11-14 - 14:02 MarkusDemleitner  

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Topic revision: r10 - 2024-11-16 - HendriklHein
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