---+ Agenda for DAL-WG sessions at Baltimore Interop meeting This is the agenda for the DAL sessions at the Baltimore Interop. ---++ DAL 1: SIA, SSA, Footprint Services ---+++ Tue 28 Oct 2008 10.30-12.00 ST-Aud | *Time* | *Speaker* | *Title* | *File* | | 10:30 | IVOA.GretchenGreene | Footprint service |[[%ATTACHURL%/GGreene_Footprint_Service_20081028.pdf][(pdf)]] | | 10:45 | IVOA.PetrSkoda | Experiences implementing SSA |[[%ATTACHURL%/PSkoda_Experiences_implementing_SSA_20081028.pdf][(pdf)]] | | 11:00 | IVOA.ThomasBoch | CDS footprint editor |[[%ATTACHURL%/TBoch_CDS_footpring_editor_20081028.pdf][(pdf)]] | | 11:10 | IVOA.RickWagner | <nop>SimDAP |[[%ATTACHURL%/RWagner_SimDAP_20081028.pdf][(pdf)]] | | 11:25 | IVOA.DougTody | SIA V2 |[[%ATTACHURL%/DTody_SIA_V2_20081028.pdf][(pdf)]] | | 11:50 | IVOA.FrancoisBonnarel | SIA V2 prototype demo |[[%ATTACHURL%/FBonnarel_SIA_V2_demo_20081028.pdf][(pdf)]] | ---++ DAL 2: TAP ---+++ Tue 28 Oct 2008 15.30-17.00 ST-Aud | *Time* | *Speaker* | *Title* | *File* | | 15:30 | IVOA.PatrickDowler | TAP Specification & CVO TAP service |[[%ATTACHURL%/PDowler_TAP_Specification_CVO_TAP_Service_20081028.pdf][(pdf)]]| | 16:00 | IVOA.GuyRixon | <nop>AstroGrid TAP Service |[[%ATTACHURL%/GRixon_Astrogrid_TAP_Service_20081028.pdf][(pdf)]]| | 16:20 | IVOA.DougTody | NVO TAP services |[[%ATTACHURL%/DTody_NVO_TAP_Services_20081028.pdf][(pdf)]]| | 16:40 | Pierre Le Sidaner &<br>Jonathan Normand | Exoplanet Data & Titan Atmospheric Data TAP Param/<br>Sync ADQL Querying services demo |[[%ATTACHURL%/PLSidaner_JNormand_Exoplanet_Titan_TAP_Param_20081028.pdf][(pdf)]]| ---++ DAL 3: Joint DAL/GWS/Registry session ---+++ Thurs 30 Oct 13:30 - 15:00 ST-Aud We will be reviewing areas of common concern with the DAL and Registry WGs: VOSI, VOSpace, etc. <br/> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = %MAINWEB%.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r6 - 2008-10-24 - JesusSalgado
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