@_InterOpOct2008"> DCP @InterOpOct2008

We currently have no formal presentations planned. Please come for a general discussion of what is going on in astronomy and other fields in the area of data preservation and curation. We will discuss our planned white paper, and consider a request from the IVOA Executive that this IG take on a "data preservation" role regarding the history of the IVOA itself.

Minutes, 31 Oct 2008

Present: Francoise Genova, Ray Plante, Alberto Accomazzi, Jill Lagerstrom, Bob Hanisch, Arnold Rots

The world is beginning to realize that data is important! Data and data integrity are inherent to the scientific process. How to make this sustainable?

Activities of Interest

  • NSF DataNet program
    • Emphasis on multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary support. This is challenging and requires major work on metadata, nature of queries, etc., which requires community inputs and financial support. ISAIA experience suggests that this is difficult even within a coherent research area.

  • Smithsonian digital archiving initiative
    • TRAC certification likely to be required

  • Many European initiatives, primarily focused on technology. David Giaretta (RAL, DCC) heavily involved.

IAU WG on Libraries

  • Bob has been asked to co-chair this group

White Paper

  • EuroVO Data Center Alliance strategy document
  • EuroVO AIDA framework document, digital repositories
  • Liaison with other disciplines
  • Work in collaboration with IAU Comm.5, "data manifesto", and Comm. 5 WGs Data, VO, and Libraries
  • All present interested in helping with white paper
  • Resources for digitizing historical literature? Photographic data?
    • Engage library community (PAMNet, IAU Library WG)
    • How to select and prioritize? What is worth the effort?

IVOA History

BobHanisch DCP IG Chair

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