Theory Sessions, Oct 2008

This is a (very) preliminary agenda for the Theory Interest Group at the Baltimore InterOp (InterOpOct2008).

Please, note also the following talks/discussions in other WG sessions:

Date and room WG/IG session Who/What FileSorted descending
Wednesday 08.30-12.00 B475 Theory,DM,DAL,REG,VOQL,Semantics SimDB/SimDAP joint discussion pdf
Tuesday 10.30-12.00 B462 DAL 1 Rick Wagner: SimDAP pdf

Session I: SimDB

Monday 27 Oct 2008, 13.30-15.00, room B462

Convener: Gerard Lemson

Discussion page

We have opened a discussion page where sensitive points can be discussed: InterOpOct2008TheoryDiscussion

Agenda and files

Speaker Title File Time
Gerard Lemson (remotely) Issues with SimDB pdf 60 min
Laurent Bourges SimDB browser demo. pdf 20 min

Session II: SimDAP and file formats

Thrusday 30 Oct 2008, 15.30-17.00, room B462

Convener: Claudio Gheller

Aims of the session

Agenda and files

Speaker Title File Time
Claudio Gheller SimDAP status. Finalizing the access protocol pdf 40 min
Claudio Gheller Toward a general exchange file format for simulation data pdf 30 min
Gerard Lemson Demos... pdf 20 min
Rick Wagner Demos... pdf 20 min

Session III: Microphysics simulations

Friday 31 Oct 2008, 10.30-12.00, room B462

Convener: Hervé Wozniak

Aims of the session

Agenda and files

Speaker Title File Time
Hervé Wozniak Introduction pdf 10 min
Franck LePetit Implementation of SimDB on PDR databases - Success and Failures pdf 20 min
Patrizia Manzato BaSTI: database and queries for stellar evolution models pdf 20 min
Carlos Rodrigo Blanco S3 protocol for microphysics simulation pdf 20 min

(back to main program page InterOpOct2008#Programme)

-- IVOA.HerveWozniak - 03 Sep 2008

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf IVOA-InterOpOct2008-SimDB-browser.pdf r1 manage 2041.4 K 2008-10-28 - 13:08 LaurentBourges  
PDFpdf Lemson_Session_I.pdf r1 manage 2162.5 K 2008-10-28 - 09:55 HerveWozniak Lemson's skype talk session 1
PDFpdf RWagner_SimDAP_20081028.pdf r1 manage 84.5 K 2008-10-28 - 15:30 HerveWozniak Rick's talk in DAL session 1

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Topic revision: r14 - 2008-10-28 - HerveWozniak
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