Pune 2011 Splinter Meetings

Wednesday 19 October 14:15-15:45

Spectrum DM / Phot DM / SED SM (Wednesday 14:15, Bhaskara 3)

Follow up discussions from DM-1 session.

(JesusSalgado and interested parties).

Thursday 20 October

IVOA-OGF Liaison Group (Thursday 13:00, Chittaranjan, lunch meeting)

Discussion of the Terms of Reference for the Liaison Group between IVOA and the Open Grid Forum.

(FabioPasian and interested parties).

VOTables and Nulls (Thursday 16:00, Bhaskara 3)

Discussion of matters arising from VOTableIssues; possible desirable future changes to VOTable standard. See InterOpOct2011Applications.

(MarkTaylor and interested parties).

SIAv2 Access Methods (Thursday 16:00, Bhaskara 2)

Generation of virtual sub products from 3D datasets

(JoseEnriqueRuiz and interested parties).

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Topic revision: r10 - 2011-10-20 - JoseEnriqueRuiz
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