Splinters and hack-a-thons

October 24, 2012 - São Paulo, Brasil


11 16-18 : Provenance DataModel revival and related matters. FrancoisBonnarel + ....

11 14-16 : Integration of radio cubes in SIAV2 prototypes. Hack a thon session with real data FrancoisBonnarel + JoseEnriqueRuiz + JosephLazio + DougTody

11 14- : VO and education. + MassimoRamella

Volunteers wanted to help bash into shape the https://github.com/astrojs/sampjs site now hosting the samp.js Web SAMP javascript library. Expertise in git, github, and javascript all required. MarkTaylor (+ MarkusDemleitner?) Time negotiable.

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Topic revision: r8 - 2012-10-24 - MarkTaylor
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