<H1>IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting</H1> <H3> October 21, 2012 - São Paulo, Brasil<H3> --- %TOC% --- ---+++ Local Arrangements The meeting will be held in the Argentina Room in the Tryp Itaim Hotel, Rua Manuel Guedes, 320. Please note: Daylight Savings Time starts in Brazil on Sunday October 21, taking it from UTC-3h to UTC-2h. Coffee/tea breaks and lunch TBD. ---+++ Meeting Minutes and Actions Notes and actions from the meeting can be found [[%ATTACHURL%/2012-10-21_TCG_Minutes.pdf][here]] . ---+++ Meeting Agenda | *Time* | *Topic* | *Notes* | | 09:3009:45 | Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives | | | 09:4510:00 | Action items | | | 10:0010:15 | Status of Standards in REC process | | | 10:1510:45 | Science cases from the CSP (Mark A.) | | | __10:4511:00__ | __Break__ | | | 11:0012:30 | Status of standards impacting various WG/IG | | | ^ | 1. Utypes: Current Usages and Use Case Prioritization Omar | | | ^ | 2. Time Series data model Matthew | | | ^ | _3. Other status topics???_ | | | __12:3013:30__ | __Lunch__ || | 13:30-14:45 | General Topics | | | ^ | 1. Unique identifiers for photometry filters Omar | | | ^ | _2. Other general topics???_ | | | 14:4515:00 | Review of [[PublishingInTheVONew][Publishing Data into the VO]] | | | 15:0015:15 | Update of IVOA Architecture | | | 15:1515:30 | IVOA Technical Assessment for 2012 and Roadmap for 2013 Séverin | | | __15.3016.00__ | __Break__ | | | 16.0018.00 | Exec meeting | | | ** |||| <br /> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r7 - 2012-12-11 - SeverinGaudet
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