Data Model Working Group Sessions: October 2019, Groningen, NL
Source DM (Friday October 11, 13h30 - 15h, Room DOT)
Speaker |
Title |
Time |
Material |
Laurent Michel |
Introduction |
5' |
pdf |
Gilles Landais |
Mapping Vizier meta-data on a source DM |
15' |
IVOA-SourceDM.pdf |
Maria.Arevalo Sanchez |
Catalogs of variable objects |
15' |
François Bonnarel |
Data annotations |
15' |
Laurent Michel |
CAB-MSD note presentation |
20' |
Discussion and Wrap-up |
DM-WG Session (Saturday October 12, 9h 10h30, Room DOT)
Speaker |
Title |
Time |
Material |
Laurent Michel |
Introduction |
2' |
Mireille Louys |
Provenance Status |
15' |
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar |
Coords/Trans/Meas status |
15' |
Malapert Jean-Christophe |
Euclid DM |
15' |
Teake Nutma |
Euclid Data Model Qualification |
15' |
Hugo Buddelmeijer |
Using VODML with MICADO |
15' |
LaurentMichel - 2019-09-26
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Topic revision: r6 - 2019-10-11 - GillesLandais