<H1><nop>IVOA Interoperability meeting</H1> <H3>18-21 Sep 2006: Moscow, Russia</H3> --- %TOC% --- ---+++ Meeting Web site Registration and additional information is available on the [[http://www.agora.guru.ru/display.php?conf=interop_moscow-2006][local web site]]. ---+++ Programme *DRAFT* programme as of 23 Aug 2006. Comments should be sent to NicholasWalton. | *Day* | *Time* | *RAS-HQ* ||| | <u>Monday</u>, 18 Sep 2006 | |||| | |11.00 | Coffee and Registration | | | | |11.30-12.00 | Welcome speeches and Logistics | | | | |12.00-13.00 | The Virtual Observatory and the IVOA | | Francoise Genova | | |13.00-14.00 | __Lunch__ | | | | |14.00-15.30 | Opening Plenary Sessions | | | | |15.30-16.00 | __Coffee__ | | | | |16.00-17.00 | IVOA Road map and current key issues | | Discussion lead: Francoise Genova | | |17.00 | __Close first day__ | | | | *Day* | *Time* | *RAS-IoA-1* | *RAS-IoA-2* | *RAS-IoA-3* | | <u>Tuesday</u>, 19 Sep 2006 | |||| | |09:00-10:30 | <b>DM/DAL </b> | <b> Reg-1</b> | <b>VOTable</b> | | | | _Break_ ||| | |11:00-12:30 | <b>VOQL-1 </b> | <b> GWS-1</b> | <b> DM-1</b>| | | | _Lunch_ ||| | |14:00-15:30 | <b>VOQL-2 </b> | <b> DAL</b> | <b>Theory </b> | | | | _Break_ ||| | |16:00-17:30 | <b>VOQL/DAL </b> | <b> [[IVOA.InterOpSept2006Applications][Apps-1]]</b> | | | *Day* | *Time* | *RAS-IoA-1* | *RAS-IoA-2* | *RAS-IoA-3* | | <u>Wednesday</u>, 20 Sep 2006 | |||| | |09:00-10:30 | <b> GWS-2 </b> | <b> Reg-2 </b> | <b>[[IVOA.InterOpSept2006Applications][Apps-2]] </b> | | | | _Break_ ||| | |11:00-12:30 | <b> GWS-3 </b> | <b> DM-2 </b> | <b> </b> | | | | _Lunch_ and free afternoon ||| | *Day* | *Time* | *SAI* ||| | <u>Thursday</u>, 21 Sep 2006 | |||| | | 09.30-11.00 | Closing Interop plenary | | | | | _Break_ ||| | | 11.30-13.00 | Opening: Small Projects Meeting | | | | | _Lunch_ ||| | | 14.00-15.30 | Small Projects Meeting | | | | | _Break_ ||| | | 16.00-17.30 | Small Projects Meeting | | | | evening | _Banquet_ | | | *Day* | *Time* | *SAI* ||| | <u>Friday</u>, 22 Sep 2006 | |||| | | 09.30-11.00 | Small Projects Meeting | | | | | _Break_ ||| | | 11.30-13.00 | Closing: Small Projects Meeting | | | | | _Lunch_ ||| | | Afternoon | Excursion: Moscow State University | | ---++++ Location Notes * RAS-HQ: Russian Academy of Sciences Headquarter * one large (about 200 persons) hall. No Internet connection. * Website at: http://www.ras.ru (and [[http://www.ras.ru/index.aspx?_Language=en][English version]]) * <nop>RAS-IoA: Institute of Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences * 4 rooms, containing, approximately, 40, 25, 20 and 10 persons. An extra room (15 persons) can be available upon request. <nop>WiFi Internet is available in all (perhaps but one) rooms. * Website at: http://www.inasan.rssi.ru/eng/index.html and location: http://www.inasan.rssi.ru/eng/scheme.html * SAI: Sternberg Astronomical Institute of the Moscow State University * one conference hall (100 persons). <nop>WiFi Internet is available. * Website at: http://www.sai.msu.su/ and location at http://www.sai.msu.su/location.html ---+++ Organization The organisers for the meeting and the contents of each of the working group activities are listed below. | *Committee <small>(link to IVOA page)</small>* | *Chair* | *People* || | Programme Committee | | <small> %MAINWEB%.NicholasWalton, %MAINWEB%.BobHanisch, %MAINWEB%.FrancoiseGenova </small> || | Local Organising Committee | |<small> %MAINWEB%.OlegMalkov || --- ---+++ Participants --- ---+++ Travel <br/> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = %MAINWEB%.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r7 - 2006-09-12 - MarkAllen
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