---+ <nop>InterOpSep2007Plenary *Chair: Nic Walton* Introductory talks, 5 min presentation (including questions) per WG and IG | *Speaker* | *Title* | *File* | *Time* | | _WG/IG presentations_ | | | | | | | | | | Mark Allen | [[InterOpSep2007Applications][WG Applications]] | [[%ATTACHURL%/apps_plen1.pdf][[.pdf]]]| 10.30-10.35 | | Mireille Louys | [[InterOpSep2007DataModel][WG DM]] | [[%ATTACHURL%/DMplenary1.ppt][[.ppt]]] [[%ATTACHURL%/DMplenary.pdf][[.pdf]]] | 10:35-10:40 | | Keith Noddle | [[InterOpSep2007DAL][WG DAL]] | [[%ATTACHURL%/DALSessions.pdf][[.pdf]]] | 10:40-10:45 | | Roy Williams | [[InterOpSep2007VOEvent][WG Events]] | [[%ATTACHURL%/voevent.ppt][[.ppt]]] | 10:45-10:50 | | Matthew Graham | [[InterOpSep2007GridAndWebServices][WG <nop>G&WS]] |[[%ATTACHURL%/Cambridge-GWSOpeningPlenary.pdf][[.pdf]]] | 10:50-10:55 | | Pedro Osuna | [[InterOpSep2007VOQL][WG Query Language (VOQL)]] | [[%ATTACHURL%/Cambridge2007_VOQL.ppt][[.ppt]]] | 10:55-11:00 | | Ray Plante | [[InterOpSep2007ResReg][WG Registry]] | [[%ATTACHURL%/IVOASep07RWGPlen1.pdf][[.pdf]]] | 11:00-11:05 | | | [[InterOpSep2007UCD][WG Semantics]] | | 11:05-11:10 | | Francois Ochsenbein | [[InterOpSep2007VOTable][WG Tables (VOTable)]] | [[%ATTACHURL%/VOTable_agenda.ppt][[.ppt]]] | 11:10-11:15 | | Masatoshi Ohishi | [[InterOpSep2007Astro-RG][IG Astro-RG]] | | 11:15-11:20 | | Gerard Lemson | [[InterOpSep2007][IG Theory]] | [[%ATTACHURL%/plen1.ppt][[.ppt]]] | 11:20-11:25 | | Bob Hanisch | [[InterOpSep2007CP][IG Data CP]] | | 11:25-11:30 | ---++ Plenary 2, Friday 28 Sep 2007 | *Speaker* | *Title* | *File* | *Time* | | _WG/IG presentations_ | | | | | | | | | | Mark Allen | [[InterOpSep2007Applications][WG Applications]] | [[%ATTACHURL%/apps_plen2.pdf][[.pdf]]] | 15.15-15.20 | | Mireille Louys | [[InterOpSep2007DataModel][WG DM]] | [[%ATTACHURL%/DMconclusions.pdf][[.pdf]]] | 15:20-15:25 | | Keith Noddle | [[InterOpSep2007][WG DAL]] | [[%ATTACHURL%/DMconclusions.pdf][[.pdf]]] | 15:25-15:30 | | Roy Williams | [[InterOpSep2007][WG Events]] | [[%ATTACHURL%/voe_ivoa_07_roundup.ppt][[.ppt]]] | 15:30-15:35 | | Matthew Graham | [[InterOpSep2007GridAndWebServices][WG <nop>G&WS]] |[[%ATTACHURL%/Cambridge-GWSClosingPlenary.pdf][[.pdf]]] | 15:35-15:40 | | Alex Szalay | [[InterOpSep2007VOQL][WG Query Language (VOQL)]] | [[%ATTACHURL%/Cambridge2007_VOQL_Closing_Plenary.ppt][[.ppt]]] | 15:40-15:45 | | Ray Plante | [[InterOpSep2007][WG Registry]] | [[%ATTACHURL%/IVOASep07RWGPlen2.pdf][[.pdf]]] | 15:45-15:50 | | Francois Ochsenbein | [[InterOpSep2007VOTable][WG Tables (VOTable)]] | [[%ATTACHURL%/VOTableConclude.pdf][[.pdf]]] | 15:50-15:55 | | Gerard Lemson | [[InterOpSep2007Theory][IG Theory]] |[[%ATTACHURL%/plen2.ppt][[.ppt]]]| 15:55-16:00 | | Bob Hanisch | [[InterOpSep2007CP][IG Data CP]] | | 16:00-16:05 | | | | | | | Dave De Young | Closing Remarks & Thanks | [[%ATTACHURL%/IVOAInteropEnd0907.ppt][[.ppt]]] | 16:05-16:15 | <br/> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r34 - 2007-10-30 - RoyWilliams
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