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PDFpdf ADS_demo.pdf r1 manage 5185.1 K 2013-10-08 - 21:28 AlbertoAccomazzi  
PDFpdf AppPresPDL.pdf r1 manage 259.6 K 2013-09-29 - 00:26 RenaudSavalle PDL Graphical Editor
PDFpdf IVOASept2013-GWS-SkyTouch.pdf r1 manage 2108.4 K 2013-09-29 - 00:55 AndreSchaaff  
PDFpdf IVOA_Waikoloa_EPN_TAP.pdf r1 manage 169.2 K 2013-09-28 - 01:02 MarkTaylor  
PDFpdf MOC-Fernique-Hawaii.pdf r1 manage 672.6 K 2013-09-27 - 00:16 PierreFernique  
PDFpdf MocsInArches.pdf r1 manage 1572.8 K 2013-09-27 - 00:11 LaurentMichel Using MOCs to select catalogues for Xcorrelaltions in ARCHES
PDFpdf OSPS-skoda-hawaii.pdf r1 manage 622.2 K 2013-09-27 - 22:24 PetrSkoda Using VO for a photometry database- light curves on click
PDFpdf SummaryGuidedQueries.pdf r1 manage 8145.5 K 2013-09-29 - 00:29 TomDonaldson  
Unknown file formatpptx WWT_HTMl5.pptx r1 manage 587.2 K 2013-09-29 - 02:33 MarkTaylor  
PDFpdf bottinelli_cassis_ivoa_interop_fall2013.pdf r1 manage 1375.1 K 2013-09-28 - 04:52 SandrineBottinelli Presentation of CASSIS (Centre d'Analyse Scientifique de Spectres Infrarouges et Sub-millimétriques), a spectrum analyzer that includes (molecular) line identification.
PDFpdf ivoa-2013-euro3d_widget.pdf r1 manage 1049.4 K 2013-09-28 - 01:08 MarkTaylor  
PDFpdf persistent_sampjs.pdf r1 manage 1886.7 K 2013-09-29 - 02:34 IvanZolotukhin AstroTools: JavaScript library for persistent SAMP in a web browser based on samp.js
PDFpdf vosa-hawaii13_red.pdf r1 manage 9073.8 K 2013-09-29 - 03:04 CarlosRodrigoBlanco VOSA. This is a version with images at low resolution (if you need original resolution contact us)

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Topic revision: r28 - 2013-10-08 - AlbertoAccomazzi
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