IVOA Interoperability Meeting
Moscow, Russia, 18-20 September 2006
Data Access Layer Sessions
DAL-1/DM-1 (Joint Session) - Tuesday morning
- Spectral Access
- Doug Tody - SSA Protocol (30m)
- Jonathan McDowell - Spectrum DM (30m)
- All - Discussion of SSA and Spectrum DM (30m)
DAL-2 - Wednesday morning
- Spectral Line Access
- Special Topics
- Anita Richards - Radio Data Access (20m)
- Norman Gray - UTYPE and URLs
- All - Roadmap Update(30m)
DAL-3/VOQL-2 - Wednesday afternoon
- VOQL/DAL integration, Table Access Protocol
- Review plan? (30m)
- Ray Plante - report on NVO meetings (30m)
- Discussion (30m)
Anyone giving a presentation or discussing a specification should attach
their documents to this page. Recent versions of the SSA
protocol and data model documents can be found
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Topic revision: r1 - 2006-09-15 - DougTody