---+ GWS sessions at September 2006 (Moscow) Interop ---++ GWS-1, Tuesday, 11:00-12:30 SSO standards: * ESO arrangements for web portals (Paul Harrison) * Update on NVO UAS (Ray Plante) * Caltech's SSO implemenation in VOSpace (Rixon pp Matthew Graham) * AstroGrid prototyping progress since Victoria Interop (Guy Rixon) * Authorization using ontologies (Norman Grey) * Possible use of RDF and/or SAML inside attribute certificates (Norman Gray) ---++ GWS-2, Wednesday, 09:00-10:30 VOSpace: * Review of latest spec draft (Paul Harrison) * Caltech VOSpace implementation (Rixon PP Matthew Graham) * promotion of draft to 1.0 WD (unless strong objections) (Guy Rixon) * proposal for VOSpace 1.1 and later (Rixon/Harrison pp Dave Morris) * general debate about priority of features in 1.1+ ---++ GWS-3, Wednesday, 11:00-12:30 VOSI: * new spec, separating manadatory interfaces from log harvesting (Rixon) * promotion of above spec to 1.0 WD VOBP: * Final report on basic profile 1.0 (Andre Schaff) * promotion of profile 1.0 WD UWS * strawman prototype of UWS-PA * discussion: is WS-RF obsolete for UWS? NB: where noted in the agendas above, some docs will get promoted to 1.0 WD (not before time) unless somebody sends me good reasons why they should not. <br/> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = %MAINWEB%.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r1 - 2006-09-18 - GuyRixon
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