IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM112)

Sunday, 7 May 2023 @ 14:00 UTC




  1. Roll call and agenda
  • Regrets:
  1. Review and Approval of TM111 Minutes (PDF)
  2. Review of Exec actions for TM112 (PDF)
  3. Update of the IVOA logo
  4. IVOA-IAU Liaison Group
  5. Project reports [Significant Events Only]
  6. Overall TCG status
  7. Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item]
  8. CSP status
  9. IVOA website
  • draft new website available → here
  • comments on new site available → here
  1. Future Interop meetings: Northern Fall 2023: Tucson
  2. Date of the next Exec meeting
  3. AOB
  4. Review of new actions

Reports from the Projects




  • Developing DOI minting infrastructure






France VO








+ First Latin American VO school. (14-16 March, 2023) ( https://svo.cab.inta-csic.es/svoMeetings/index.php?mid=58&action=page&pagename=I_Escuela_Latinoamericana_VO/Presentation)

- With >160 registered participants (and an average attendance of 80-90) it was the largest VO school ever organized.

- Participants from 17 countries, most of them early-career people.

- High percentage (60%) of VO newcomers.

- Very positive feedback. Many people interested in a second edition covering new topics.

- The school was conducted in Spanish so part of the material is in Spanish.

- The school was recorded and the recorded sessions are available from the school web page so the reached audience can even be larger.

+ EAS2023 SS4 "Science with the Virtual Observatory" ( https://eas.unige.ch/EAS2023/session.jsp?id=SS4)

- The deadline for abstract submission was March 8th.

- We received 16 requests for talks and 7 for posters.

- In the coming days the reviewing process will begin.



- IVOA Roles - TCG Chair - J Evans, KDD Chair - R D'Abrusco, TDIG V Chair - Mark CD

- Pursuing FAIR standards for CfA data - recent meeting with SMA & NRAO to exchange information on formats and standards; working to map Obscore keywords to SMA Radio data; Also Obscore review and use in Chandra - performed inventory and reviewed if a high energy extension was needed

- Work on Science Platform IR&D project using Rubin Science Platform application for CfA use - Instatiated the Platform at CfA - coordinating with RSP lead on topics to discuss/resolve;;

- Populating DOIs in Chandra Source Catalog 2.1 prodiuction run and migrating previous catalog formats (CSC 2.0) to current DOI format

- Contribute to IVOA DM pursuits: MIVOT 1.0, Spectrum DM RFE, moving forward on Dataset and Transform which will lead when completed to a data cube model. Data Cube model will support 1,2,3 dimensional data including the event list used by photon counting high energy projects (e.g., Chandra).

- Initiated HIPs project to automatically produce HIPs for Standard Processing at TBD cadence; thinkng about HIPS for the Chandra Source Catalog next.

- All Chairs/V Chairs to TCG & IGs contributed to Interop planning and presentations



  • Last TCG meeting - Mar 08 - Main theme Interop planning; next mtg - Apr 05
  • For Interop:
  • LOC put out the 2nd call on Monday - 73 participants as of today

Report from the TCG

Grid and Web Services Working Group

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