---+ IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM9) *Date: Jan. 29, 2004* *Venue: [[http://www.eso.org][ESO]], Garching, <u>Council Room</u>, please report to reception upon arrival* --- %TOC% --- ---++ Accommodation and Visitor Information * For assistance concerning hotel reservation please contact the secretariat of the ESO data management division dmdsec@eso.org. * [[http://www.eso.org/gen-fac/hq/info/travel.html][ *ESO visitor information* ]] --- ---++ Agenda 09:30 - Welcome 09:40 - Minutes ([[%ATTACHURL%/ivoa-tm8-20030929.pdf][TM8]] and [[%ATTACHURL%/actions-fm9-20040129.txt][Action Review]]) ([[PeterQuinn][Quinn]]) 10:00 - Project Reports (5 minutes MAX each) | Astrogrid | [[%ATTACHURL%/ivoa-20040129-astrogrid.txt][txt]] | | Aus-VO | [[%ATTACHURL%/ivoa-20040129-aus-vo.txt][txt]] | | AVO | | | China-VO | [[%ATTACHURL%/ivoa-20040129-china-vo.txt][txt]] | | CVO | [[%ATTACHURL%/ivoa-20040129-cvo.doc][doc]], [[%ATTACHURL%/ivoa-20040129-cvo.pdf][pdf]] | | DRACO | | | VO-France | | | GAVO | | | Hungary-VO | [[%ATTACHURL%/ivoa-20040129-hvo.txt][txt]] | | JVO | [[%ATTACHURL%/ivoa-20040129-jvo.txt][txt]] | | NVO | [[%ATTACHURL%/ivoa-20040129-nvo.txt][txt]] | | RVO | [[%ATTACHURL%/ivoa-20040129-rvo.txt][txt]] | 11:00 - _Coffee_ 11:30 - Working Group Status Report | *Working Group* | *Report* | *Chair* | | Content Description (UCD) | | [[RoyWilliams][Roy Williams]] | | Data Access Layer | [[%ATTACHURL%/ivoa-20040129-dal-wg.txt][txt]] | [[DougTody][Doug Tody]] | | Data Modelling | [[%ATTACHURL%/ivoa-20040129-dm-wg.txt][txt]] | [[JonathanMcDowell][Jonathan McDowell]] | | Grid & Web Services | [[%ATTACHURL%/ivoa-20040129-grid-wg.txt][txt]] | [[GuyRixon][Guy Rixon]] | | Resource Registry | [[%ATTACHURL%/ivoa-20040129-reg-wg.txt][txt]] | [[TonyLinde][Tony Linde]] | | Standards & Processes | [[%ATTACHURL%/ivoa-20040129-stds-wg.txt][txt]] | [[BobHanisch][Robert Hanisch]] | | VO Query Language | [[%ATTACHURL%/ivoa-20040129-voql-wg.txt][txt]] | [[MasatoshiOhishi][Masatoshi Ohishi]] | | VOTable | [[%ATTACHURL%/ivoa-20040129-votable-wg.txt][txt]] | [[FrancoisOchsenbein][Francois Ochsenbein]] | 12:30 - _Lunch at Max Planck_ 13:30 - Review of IVOA January demos ([[Paolo Padovani][Padovani]]/[[BobHanisch][Hanisch]]) 13:50 - Review of IVOA Roadmap ([[PeterQuinn][Quinn]]/All) 14:30 - Set IVOA priorities for next 12-24 months 15:00 - _Coffee_ 15:30 - IVOA Working Groups number, structure and missions (All) 16:30 - External relationships - IAU and GGF ([[PeterQuinn][Quinn]]/[[FrancoiseGenova][Genova]]/[[NicholasWalton][Walton]]) 17:00 - IVOA Calendar 2004/2005 ([[PeterQuinn][Quinn]]) 17:30 - AOB 18:00 - Action review 18:15 - Close *REMINDERS* * AVO demo session for IVOA Exec, Wednesday 28 January at 16:00-17:00 in Council Room * IVOA Dinner Wednesday 28 January at 19:30 at [[http://www.hotel-muehle.de/index_e.html][Zur Mühle]], Ismaning --- ---++ Technical Infrastructure * projection * beamer; resolution up to 1600x1200 * OHP * electronic presentations * on-line & off-line: private laptop or stationary PC (use memory stick to transfer data) * please bring your own power adapter and monitor cable adapter if applicable * network * wireless LAN * DHCP on request only; there is a network cable for the speaker though If you wish email access we recommend to bring a wireless LAN card with your laptop. ---++ Further Reading to Prepare for Meeting * [[IvoaRepMin][previous IVOA Exec meetings]] * [[%WIKIHOMEURL%Documents/][IVOA documents]] * [[http://www.euro-vo.org/twiki/bin/view/Avo/SwgMeeting04][AVO Demo, Jan. 27/28]] ---++ Participants | *<i>Name</i>* | *<i>Affiliation</i>* | | [[MarkAllen][Mark Allen]] | France-VO | | [[David Barnes][David Barnes]] | Aus-VO | | [[TamasBudavari][Tamás Budavári]] | NVO | | István Csabai | RVO | | [[ChenzhouCui][Chenzhou Cui]] | China-VO | | [[MarkusDolensky][Markus Dolensky]] | AVO | | [[FrancoiseGenova][Françoise Genova]] | France-VO | | [[BobHanisch][Bob Hanisch]] | NVO | | [[GerardLemson][Gerard Lemson]] | GAVO | | [[MarcoLeoni][Marco Leoni]] | AVO | | [[TonyLinde][Tony Linde]] | Astrogrid | | [[MireilleLOUYS][Mireille Louys]] | France-VO | | [[JonathanMcDowell][Jonathan <nop>McDowell]] | SAO | | [[AlbertoMicol][Alberto Micol]] | AVO | | [[MasatoshiOhishi][Masatoshi Ohishi]] | JVO | | [[PaoloPadovani][Paolo Padovani]] | AVO | | Fabio Pasian | DRACO | | [[PeterQuinn][Peter Quinn]] | AVO | | Alex Szalay | NVO | | Wolfgang Voges | GAVO | | [[NicholasWalton][Nicholas Walton]] | Astrogrid | <br><br> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = %MAINWEB%.TWikiAdminGroup -->
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting
ESO, Garching
Peter Quinn
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r25 - 2004-02-04 - MarcoLeoni
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