*IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM120)* <b>Date: </b>Sunday, 19 May 2024 <b>Time: </b>16:0018:00 Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) / 06:0008:00 UTC <b>Location: </b>Hybrid [[https://aao.zoom.us/j/84831315252?pwd=TjJZb0VBRVgxcDZ1cVVqTENZMWNMZz09][<br />]] --- *Contents* %TOC% *Logistics* *Virtual*: <a href="https://aao.zoom.us/j/84831315252?pwd=TjJZb0VBRVgxcDZ1cVVqTENZMWNMZz09" target="_blank"><br /></a> *Agenda* 1 Roll call and agenda 1 <span style="background-color: transparent;">Review and approval of </span><span style="background-color: transparent;">TM119 Minutes</span> 1 Review of Action for TM120 1 <span style="background-color: transparent;">Project Reports [Significant Events Only]</span> 1 Overall TCG Status 1 Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item] 1 CSP Status 1 IVOA Website [New Standing Item] * Draft new website available: https://webtest.ivoa.info/ * Git Hub repository: https://github.com/ivoa/ivoa-web * Bug reporting and change requests: https://github.com/ivoa/ivoa-web/issues 1 TCG May 2024 position turnover review - In prep for May Interop mtg * Expiring terms * TCG - chair & vice * CSP - chair - extensible; vice - extensible (There is 7 months more to go) * Apps - vice - extensible * DAL - chair & vice - extensible * KDIG - chair - extensible * Edu - chair - extensible * SSIG - chair extensible * Other considerations * Theory - Recall Simon saying he would prefer not holding 2 chairs * Radio - François is retiring so Ch position opens 1 Future Interop meetings * Northern Fall 2024: Malta - Week of November 10 (ADASS Nov. 10-14) * Summary of costs and contributions from partner organizations 1 Date of next Exec meeting 1 AOB 1 Review of new actions ---++ Reports from the Projects ---+++ NOVA (Argentina) ---+++ ArVO (Armenia) ---+++ AstroGrid (United Kingdom) ---+++ ASVO (Australia) ---+++ BRAVO (Brazil) ---+++ China-VO * ---+++ CVO (Canada) ---+++ ESA (Europe) ---+++ Euro-VO (Europe) ---+++ GAVO (Germany) ---+++ JVO (Japan) ---+++ Kazakhstan VO ---+++ NLVO (Netherlands) ---+++ OV-France ---+++ RVO (Russia) ---+++ SA^3 (South Africa) ---+++ SKAO (Square Kilometre Array Observatory; Australia & South Africa) ---+++ SVO (Spain) ---+++ UkrVO (Ukraine) ---+++ USVOA (United States) <span style="background-color: transparent; color: #630000; font-size: 17.29px; font-weight: bold;">VO-India</span> ---+++ VObs.it (Italy) ---+++ Report from the TCG * ---+++ Report from the CSP
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r1 - 2024-05-13 - MarcyHarbut
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