*IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM123)* <b>Date: </b>Tuesday, September 10, 2024 <b>Time: </b>20:00 UTC <b>Location: </b>Zoom ( [[https://aao.zoom.us/j/84831315252?pwd=TjJZb0VBRVgxcDZ1cVVqTENZMWNMZz09]]; passcode: 581668) --- *Contents* %TOC% *Agenda* 1 Roll call and agenda 1 Review and approval of TM122 Minutes 1 Review of [[%ATTACHURL%/ACTIONS_for_TM123.pdf][ACTIONS_for_TM123.pdf]] 1 <span style="background-color: transparent;">CODATA outreach</span> 1 Report on the IAU General Assembly 1 Project Reports [Significant Events Only] 1 Overall TCG Status 1 Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item] 1 P3T Report 1 CSP Status 1 IVOA Website [New Standing Item] * Draft new website available: https://webtest.ivoa.info/ * Git Hub repository: https://github.com/ivoa/ivoa-web * Bug reporting and change requests: https://github.com/ivoa/ivoa-web/issues 1 Future Interop meetings * Northern Fall 2024: Malta - Week of November 10 (ADASS Nov. 10-14) * Summary of costs and contributions from partner organizations * Northern Spring 2025: 1 Date of next Exec meeting 1 AOB 1 Review of new actions ---++ Reports from the Projects ---+++ NOVA (Argentina) ---+++ ArVO (Armenia) ---+++ AstroGrid (United Kingdom) ---+++ ASVO (Australia) ---+++ BRAVO (Brazil) ---+++ China-VO * ---+++ CVO (Canada) ---+++ ESA (Europe) ---+++ Euro-VO (Europe) ---+++ GAVO (Germany) ---+++ JVO (Japan) ---+++ Kazakhstan VO ---+++ NLVO (Netherlands) ---+++ OV-France ---+++ RVO (Russia) ---+++ SA^3 (South Africa) ---+++ SKAO (Square Kilometre Array Observatory; Australia & South Africa) ---+++ SVO (Spain) ---+++ UkrVO (Ukraine) ---+++ USVOA (United States) ---+++ VO-India ---+++ VObs.it (Italy) ---+++ Report from the TCG * TCG met on 28.08 (20UTC), will meet on 27.09 (13UTC) * documents progress * RFC * !RegTAP-1.2 - one missing comment&vote, otherwise ready for Exec submission * VOTable-1.5 - review progressing, TFC check at the next TCG vconf * other documents * VOEvent-2.1 - missing a pull request before announcement of PR and RFC * UCDList-1.6 - few terms suggestions to be checked before endorsement * !ObsCore Extension for Radio Data 1.0 - looking after usage scenarios * !VEPs & Errata status * SSA-1.1 Erratum 4 approved after checking Spectral DM alerted conflict * VEP-016 - final review and vote at next TCG * High Energy Data Note is progressing * !P3T reported activities and status (JE) * Group met on Monday, Aug 26 * Tasks are progressing; working toward prototypes with a goal to have them mature on the End of Sep timeframe. * 4 docs (IVOA Service Protocol, IVOA HTTP protocol, IVOA JSON serialization, IVOA WebService Protocol) in the works. * We plan to engage with existing clients before Malta. Plan will discuss at next mtg on Sep 23. * Planning a Plenary at Nov Interop * Interop: November 2024 Interop overview and initial discussion * so far a CSP/HEIG plenary request * WG/IG will start working plans * a draft (faked session) programme is already online * proposal to think about organising splinters during ADASS XXXIV ---+++ Report from the CSP * * [[%PUBURL%/IVOA/IvoaExecMeetingTM122/ACTIONS_for_TM122.pdf][ ]] * [[%ATTACHURL%/ACTIONS_for_TM123.pdf][ACTIONS_for_TM123.pdf]]: ACTIONS_for_TM123.pdf
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2024-09-09 - 21:16
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r6 - 2024-09-10 - JanetEvans
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