*IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM125)* <b>Date: </b>Monday, February 24, 2025 <b>Time: </b>19:00 UTC *Zoom Link:* [[https://aao.zoom.us/j/84831315252?pwd=TjJZb0VBRVgxcDZ1cVVqTENZMWNMZz09]] --- *Contents* <br />%TOC% ---++ Agenda 1 Roll call and agenda 1 Review and approval of TM124 Minutes 1 Review of [[%ATTACHURL%/ACTIONS_for_TM125.pdf][ACTIONS_for_TM125.pdf]] [[%PUBURL%/IVOA/IvoaExecMeetingTM123/ACTIONS_for_TM123.pdf][<br />]] 1 Report on the IAU General Assembly 1 Project Reports [Significant Events Only] 1 Overall TCG Status [Standing Item] 1 Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item] 1 CSP Report 1 IVOA Website [New Standing Item] * Updating <a href="https://www.ivoa.net/about/member-organizations.html" target="_blank">Member Organizations page</a> * Draft new website available: <a href="https://webtest.ivoa.info" target="_blank">https://webtest.ivoa.info</a>/ * Git Hub repository: [[https://github.com/ivoa/ivoa-web]] * Bug reporting and change requests: [[https://github.com/ivoa/ivoa-web/issues]] 1 Future Interop meetings * Northern Spring 2025 - Maryland, USA * Northern Fall 2025 - Görlitz (ADASS dates: 9-13 November 2025, Interop held after ADASS) 1 Date of next Exec meeting 1 AOB 1 Review of new actions ---++ Reports from the Projects ---+++ NOVA (Argentina) ---+++ ArVO (Armenia) ---+++ AstroGrid (United Kingdom) ---+++ ASVO (Australia) ---+++ BRAVO (Brazil) ---+++ China-VO * ---+++ CVO (Canada) ---+++ ESA (Europe) ---+++ Euro-VO (Europe) The Astro-CC Pilot project started on 01 February 2025 (delayed from initial announcement). The project is planning to run events as a pilot of an Astronomy Open Science Centre in the context of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). Astro-CC Pilot is one of the funded projects of the EC Horizon Europe OSCARS initiative (https://oscars-project.eu) which covers all areas of science. Astro-CC Pilot will be presented at the OSCARS Annual General meeting in Rome, 3-4 March 2025 (https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/34984/overview). European astronomy communities have been contacted so that they can provide input into the planning of the events: Technology forums, Data Provider forums, and Scientific Training events (VO schools). ---+++ GAVO (Germany) ---+++ JVO (Japan) ---+++ Kazakhstan VO ---+++ NLVO (Netherlands) ---+++ OV-France ---+++ RVO (Russia) ---+++ SA^3 (South Africa) ---+++ SKAO (Square Kilometre Array Observatory; Australia & South Africa) ---+++ SVO (Spain) ---+++ UkrVO (Ukraine) ---+++ USVOA (United States) ---+++ VO-India ---+++ VObs.it (Italy) * a workshop on data management and systems within INAF will be held 26-28 February * with a pre-meeting on the 25th of VObs.it people to have some discussion time * and a dedicated morning (two 90' sessions) to report on VO activities in INAF and give room for free discussion and to gather requirements. * both radio and high energy astrophysics will be of the lot. * the week after (4-5 March) MM will attend an ASI workshop and report status and works of the IVOA (will focus also on P3T and standards refurbishment activities). ---+++ Report from the TCG * TCG met on Wednesday February 5th ( [[TCG-TC-20250205][full notes here]]) * next vconf is planned for Tuesday March 11th * besides the TCG vconf running meetings on ObsCore extension at HEIG and DM WG has happened (will report next time, wasn't able to attend them) and work is continuously progressing. * there are also 3 documents on RFC, at least VOResource-1.2 should close soon its path * REC-VOTable-1.5 and EN-UDCList-1.6 are stable on the doc repository * some DM discussion (at TCG level) had to be skipped due to missing roles in attendance, will recover next time * mostly related to models granularity, modularity and level/scope but also about REC/ENdorsement of models * Ops/DAL/Apps will plan a discussion on on agent/client statistics for TAP and protocols, to see if it helps improving the VO ecosystem * major version transitioning in Registry: MDem will think on how to start a discussion (potential task force ahead) * (TCG chair to blame) GWS->DSP name change still to be finalised * web static pages needs a decision, there are a few blocks: mobile responsiveness and newsletter * looking forward for a "save the date" for the next interop * TCG roles up for June: * Apps (C, VC) - no ext. * Registry (C, VC) - ext. possible * DCP (C, VC) - ext. possible * Solar System (C) - no ext. * still missing TD chair ---+++ Report from the CSP - The Interop Meeting venue was booked as fundings were secured. <br />- Looking for sponsors to pay for refreshments as the current sponsor for the venue cannot sponsor refreshments.
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2025-02-20 - 02:55
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r6 - 2025-02-24 - MarkAllen
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