<H1>IVOA KDD-IG: Template datasets for algorithm benchmarking</H1> <br/> --- %TOC% --- ---++ Who's interested? RoyWilliams<br> CiroDonalek</br> <hr/> <p> It would seem to me that these points below are intimately related: (3) the templates and (5) working with IVOA, meaning choice of data models and formats. I would see the following as interesting data objects for the KDDIG: </p> <ul> <li> Catalog of sources, each with ID, position, magnitudes, ... more <li> Light curve of source, with time, magnitude, upper-limit observations, ... more. <li> Image, with WCS, calibration, ...more. </ul> <p> In each case, there is an IVOA approach to these things through the spectrum data model (VOTable + Utypes). There are also other formats for these things that are not IVOA approved. And of course there is always a call for the stripped-down CSV (just gimme the data). The archive can have many format choices (so what are they?). </p><p> One could also say that the formatting is easy once the data is in the database, which avoids choice of a specific syntax. But the *semantics* of that database schema must enable the *semantics* of every proposed output format. -- Roy </p> <br/> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = %MAINWEB%.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r5 - 2010-10-13 - RaffaeleDAbrusco
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