<H1>IVOA KDD-IG: A user guide for Data Mining in Astronomy</H1> <br/> --- %TOC% --- ---++ Who's interested? NickBall<br> RaffaeleDAbrusco --- ---++ Table of contents * *[[IvoaKDDguideIntro][1: What is 'data mining' and why is it important in astronomy?]]* * *[[IvoaKDDguideScience][2: Examples of improved science enabled by data mining techniques]]* * *[[IvoaKDDguideProcess][3: Overview of the data mining process]]* * *[[IvoaKDDguideAlgorithms][4: The main data mining algorithms]]* * *[[IvoaKDDguideComparison][5: Which algorithm to use?]]* * *[[IvoaKDDguideFuture][6: Present and future directions]]* * *[[IvoaKDDguideUnused][7: Algorithms and techniques astronomers could benefit from but don't use]]* * *[[IvoaKDDguideLinks][8: Links: websites, books]]* * *[[IvoaKDDguideExample][9: Worked example]]* -- IVOA.NickBall - 05 Sep 2010 <br/> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = %MAINWEB%.TWikiAdminGroup -->
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Topic revision: r6 - 2010-09-05 - NickBall
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