---+ Radio astronomy Interest Group *Charter:* The group shall define requirements for the representation of radio astronomy data in the VO through: * development of use cases for data discovery, access and visualization * identification of metadata concepts needed by radio astronomy data that are not currently supported by the VO * the group will provide a well identified point of contact for radio projects with IVOA, and actively encourage their use of VO standards and protocols * the group will organize sessions focused on radio astronomy data at IVOA meetings *Motivation:* Radio astronomy has several domain-specific requirements that need to be fulfilled if radio astronomy data is to be well-served by the VO. While there has been recent work on multi-dimensional data relevant for both radio and other wavebands, there remain areas in which new concepts/standards, or extensions of existing ones are needed for radio astronomy. This includes data products from the wide variety of radio astronomy observations from single dishes to correlated visibilities from interferometers and involving (time, frequency, beam properties, polarization, Faraday rotation measures etc.) The formation of this group is particularly timely, given the ramp-up of radio astronomy projects that will generate large volumes of both raw data and processed images. The groups and projects that have expressed interest to be involved include: * ALMA * NRAOs Science Ready Data Products Initiative (VLA data and user-defined ALMA data products) * ASKAP and MWA (CASDA, MWA ASVO, Australian SKA Regional Centre) * The Canadian Initiative for Radio Astronomy Data Analysis (CIRADA), which will produce high level data from the VLA Sky Survey, the CHIME telescope and surveys with ASKAP. * SKA - SKAO * ASTRON (LOFAR, APERTIF, WSRT, ) * The ESCAPE project, also supporting connection to VO for LOFAR, JIVE, and SKA (also brings results of ASTERICS and AENEAS projects) * MeerKAT, and the South African Inter-University Institute for Data Intensive Astronomy (IDIA) * INAF Division for Radioastronomy - Working Group for radio telescopes data archive * AMIGA group at the Instituto de Astronomía de Andalucía (IAA) * Nançay radio astronomy observatory and NenuFAR (SKA pathfinder) These, and future projects, are planning their science platforms and ways users will find/access/use the data. By providing the necessary standards, the IVOA can help to ensure that VO protocols can be integrated into these efforts from an early stage, thus enabling interoperability and data discovery both within radio astronomy and between radio astronomy and other wavelengths ---++ ---++ [[https://github.com/ivoa-std/ObsCoreExtensionForRadioData][ObsCore Radio extension proposal on github]] (replaces the legacy version: [[https://github.com/ivoa/ObsCoreExtensionForVisibilityData][ObsCore Visibility extension proposal on GitHub]] ) Content also available [[ObsCoreExtensionForRadioData][on this wiki page.]] ---++ Meetings * [[InterOpOct2019RadioVO][ Plenary session in the Oct 2019 interop in Groningen. ]] * [[RadioAstronomy][Telecon on search use-cases on 14 Nov 2019]] * [[InterOpMay2020RAIG][ Plenary session in the May 2020 virtual interop. ]] * [[RadioastronomyInterestGroupFirstVirtualMeeting][First Radio Astronomy Interest Group virtual meeting. July 2nd 2020]] * [[RadioastronomyInterestGroupsecondVirtualMeeting][Second Radio Astronomy Interest Group virtual meeting. October 2nd 2020]] * [[InterOpNov2020Radio][ Plenary session in the November 2020 virtual interop. ]] * [[RadioastronomyInterestGroupthirdVirtualMeeting][Third Radio Astronomy Interest Group virtual meeting. May 6th 2021]] * [[InterOpMay2021RIG][ sessions in the May 2021 virtual interop. ]] * [[InterOpNov2021Radio][ Plenary session in the November 2021 virtual interop. ]] * [[JointRIG-TDIGVirtualMeeting][Joint RIG/TDIG virtual meeting on radio pulsar data. January 11th 2022]] * [[RadioastronomyInterestGroupFourthVirtualMeeting][RIG virtual meeting on single dish data. March 7th/8th 2022]] * [[InterOpApr2022Radio][ Plenary session in the April 2022 virtual interop.]] * [[InterOpApr2022TDIG-Radio-CSP][ Joint Radio-TimeDomain IG session in the April 2022 virtual interop.]]* * [[InterOpOct2022RIG][ Radio IG session in the October 2022 interop]] * [[RadioastronomyInterestGroupFifthVirtualMeeting][RIG virtual meeting : progress on spec and notes April 4th 2023]] * [[RadioIG][ Radio IG session in the May 2023interop]] * [[RadioastronomyInterestGroupSixthVirtualMeeting][Joint RIG/DMWG virtual meeting : discussion on ObsCore Extension for Radio data August 29th 2023]] * [[InterOpNov2023RadioIG][ Radio IG session in the November 2023interop]] * [[RadioastronomyInterestGroupSeventhVirtualMeeting][Joint RIG/DMWG virtual meeting, ObsCore Extension for Radio data : towards PR. April 5th 2024]] * [[RadioastronomyInterestGroupEighthVirtualMeeting][Joint RIG/DMWG virtual meeting, ObsCore Extension for Radio data : from PR onwards. July 2nd 2024]] ---++ Points of contact for active radio VO projects ASKAP - James Dempsey, CSIRO CDS - Francois Bonnarel ALMA - Felix Stoehr, ESO ASTRON - Yan Grange JBO - Paul Harrison JIVE - Mark Kettenis INAF - Alessandra Zanichelli MWA - Greg Sleap Nançay/NenuFAR - Baptiste Cecconi ContributionWP4inESCAPE ---+ <!--<br />---+ <br /><br /> * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup <br />-->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r26 - 2024-07-02 - MarkKettenis
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