TCG Telecon 2017-05-05

present: Patrick Dowler (PD), Matthew Graham (MG), Pepi Fabbiano (PF), Tom McGlynn (TMG), Mark Taylor (MT), Brian Major (BM), Marco Molinaro (MM), Tom Donaldson (TD), Laurent Michel (LM), Mark Cresitello-Ditmar (MCD), Francois Bonnarel (FB), Mirelle Louys [ML], John Swinbank [JS], Sudhanshu Barway [SB]

action items from 2016-05-08 face to face meeting

ACTION: MM to do something with registration/profile page and email TCG with options [defer to f2f]
ACTION: MM to automate doc page on submission [ip]
ACTION: ALL to review "how to publish" page [defer to f2f]
ACTION: MCD to update spectral-2.0 doc to reflect current state [of disinterest] [done]
WG chairs - recommend move old/dormant specs out of main repo listing, also xsd files [attempted by BM, ongoing]
- MM: inform ivoadoc exactly what to do

ACTION: MG, PD, and MCD to discuss STC2 review [done]
-MCD: review by application to specific models seems to be working

ACTION: MG to ask exec to create a team to assess STC2 and create a plan to move forward [closed]

ACTION: WG chairs to update TCG page with status of standards [done]

+ACTION: MG to prepare report and submit PRs to Exec for approval: HIPS-1.0, ObsCore-1.1, DocStd-2.0

+ACTION: JS to produce final REC-VTP-2.0 document and submit to doc coordinator

+ACTION: MG to add a "review status" column to table on TCG Page

WG reports

Apps (TD)

PR-HIPS-1.0 ready for exec
HIPS validator available

VOTable errata page to undeprecate COOSYS [f2f]


REC-SimDAL March 2017
VTP needs arch diagram for final REC doc
PR-SODA-1.0 finished RFC/TCG - need votes from WGs -- DM, Sem, apps
PR-DALI-1.1 finished RFC/TCG - need votes from WGs -- ~everyone

WD-TAP-1.1 last rev before PR being finished
WD-ADQL-2.1 with readable BNF grammar
WD-ADQL-3.0 with PEG grammar would be next step
errata: 2 for ADQL and 5 for TAP [f2f]

TD: where to look for current state of docs/process?
+ACTION: MG to add column to table on TCG Page
MT: use docs page?
MG: doesn't really show state of RFC
TD: also doesn't list pending Errata


PR-ObsCore-1.1 ready for exec
PR-VO-DML-1.0 RFC done, small updates, doc update in prep before TCG review
WD-VODML-Mapping ongoing work/meetings
STC2 refactored into 3 sub models, integrated in NDCube and time series, WD underway
NDCube/Dataset updates from STC2


PR-SSO-2.0 sent to exec
PR-VOSI-1.1 needs DAL and Semantics review required
PR-VOSpace-2.1 started RFC


(Apologies; I was one hour off -- MarkusDemleitner - 2017-05-05)

Semantics (ML)

discussing new terms for UCD, final review done, will post WD soon
theory/simdal vocabulary discussions, will be presented at interop


MG: DocStd to be sent to exec

EduIG (SB)

remote org session at interop


Ops (TMG)

operational issues: https transitions
IPv6 coming online, issues unknown at this point



PR-VTP-2.0 approved via DAL, deliver REC doc asap

Interop Planning

PD: added EduIG session on Thursday AM

BM: SSL discussion in GWS session as well (re Ops)

Joint sessions: TDIG/DAL/DM
JS: many partial solutions out there, reaching critical mass
LM: extended session for the many topics + discussions

defer errata discussion to f2f

MCD: need a new domain expert for STC... push exec to recruit someone?

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Topic revision: r3 - 2017-05-05 - MarkusDemleitner
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