TCG Telecon 2018-02-22 Agenda

present: pat, ada, janet, tom mcg, tom d, laurent, marco, mark cd, markus, dave m, brian m, mark a, francois b
mireille, baptiste, pierre, mark t, giuliano, theresa



Proposed Endorsed Notes



Proposed Recommendations

PR-VODML-1.0 (comments from reg only)

PR-VOSpace-2.1 (missing: tcg, apps, dal, semantics; comments: dm, reg)

PR-UCDList-1.3 (missing: tcg, and technically semantics:-))

PR-RegistryInterfaces-1.1 (missing: tcg)

PR-VOResource-1.1 (missing: tcg, dal)

Time to Update the IVOA Architecture?

PR documents that need new/updated architecture diagram

  • PR-TAP-1.1
  • PR-RegistryInterfaces-1.1
From Markus: Arch Diagram as an SVG ( with tooling in ivoatex)

Is it time to update the 2010 note itself?

Planning for May 2018 InterOp

In the current draft, there are 3 plenary and 24 split sessions



ACTION items denoted with a *

{mark t} TAP-1.0 erratum 5 - square brackets not intended for doc and should be removed -- *marco to fix
{tom d} alter to tcg list for review
{marco} alerted tcg list

{markus} ADQL-2.0 erratum 1 - title should be changed
{pierre} ADQL errata - reference to mailing list for rationale?
{markus} reasonable in rationale or impact section, avoid ref to volute
*{marco} will check the volute refs

{pierre} real author and not just WG?
*{marco} to add author(s) to ADQL and TAP

*{dave} ADQL erratum1 - merge into ADQL-2.1 doc
{tom mcg} errata in changelog of next version

*{markus} edit PEN-XMLvers
{pat} discover collections issue
{markus} further discussion on reg mailing list
*{pat} re-post comments on reg list

{francois} reviewing VOResource with marco = approval asap,
{mark cd} updated vodml coming this week

{markus} RegistryInterfaces 1.1 also in RFC

{markus} ivoatex to make SVG arch diagram
{dave} worked for ADQL-2.1
{pat} try to TAP-1.1
{markus} need clipart? must be free!
{pat} arch note update? next chair/vice-chair
{marco} media group to provide clipart?

{baptiste} 5+ talks on solar system (plenary?)
*{mark a} remind Bruno to get going on CSP sessions
{tom mcg} plenaries on monday afternoon to set tone?

{baptiste} SSIG not listed n RFC
*{pat} to add SSIG to template
{tom mcg} errata approval procedure?
*{tom d} votable errata to tcg - soon

{mark cd} VODML work in baltimore next week; STC authorship and workflow?
technical review and long term maintainence; model vs mapping separation?

{francois} DAL also working on SLAP-1.1 ConeSearch-1.1 + note on discovery +
provenance (provDAL provTAP), DAL+TDIG time series notes

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Topic revision: r8 - 2018-02-22 - PatrickDowler
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