IVOA TCG Telecon - Tue, 11 Feb 2020 @20:00 UTC

Last edit -> Feb 12 (JE) - transform to DRAFT mtg notes


  • Christine, Christophe, Jesus, Laurent, Marco, Pat, Raffaele, Steve, Tim, Tom, Dave, James, Laurent, Markus, Marco, Ada, Bruce, Theresa, Janet


  • Chenzhou, Bruno


Agenda/Mtg Notes

  • Review Actions (See below)
    • ACTION: PD/JE: Exec review decision when stable of the doc license choice - OPEN ( but made a forward plan)
      • Need to figure out what changes need to added to Doc Standard for license and how we change the copyright
      • DM suggested that we make the change going forward and not go back to old static standards
      • New work is in Github; will need to ask authors with docs in Volute if they agree to the new license
      • Conclusion: **Make a quick pass & send email to editors/authors to see if they agree to the new copyright/license. (PD)
    • ACTION: TCG - Decide if a central wiki for session coordination is the way to go for Sydney - OPEN ( but made a forward plan)
      • Decided that our current organization toward the IVOA meetings is good
      • Agreed to one more layer where a list of topics go to one web page so all WG/IG Chairs/V Chairs can review and coordinate sessions
      • **JE will work with Marco on that page and also send an IVOA list email out looking for topics and pointing to the page that folks can add too
    • ACTION-T0219-5: PD/JE - kick off the Architecture doc effort and distribute tasks to team - WORKING
      • PD described the effort so far. Noted the challenge in graphically organizing the standards and relationships between them
      • MD asked if there was a user overview of the VO planned in the Arch doc (topic came up in an ESCAPE mtg)
        • Pat outlined the audience for the Arch doc is:
          1. Data Providers / Projects
          2. Users / Application writers
          3. How we operate as a community
        • PD noted that we don't know if the doc will serve Users - Projects/Data providers are easier to address. Not sure how other views will come out.
    • ACTION-T2019 -6: PD/JE: Ask DOC to transfer links to new Publishing on the VO doc when time is right - OPEN ( but made a forward plan)
      • **PD took a followup action to Send an email to the TCG with Publishing Doc links so we can re-address this topic
      • Pat noted that we'll have to work to have the links curated if we want to push this through
  • Northern Spring Interop - Sydney (May 3-8)
    • Logistics
      • Kirribillii Club - https://www.kirribilliclub.com.au
      • TCG looking for a local web page with logistics & travel info - **PD/JE will get info and pass it on from Exec mtg on Feb18
    • Sessions
      • Hack session proposal (TD)
        • Discussion about having a Hack session/Unconference was positive and endorsed by the TCG; it was agreed that 1 day on Wednesday would be good
        • We also discussed getting an email out to the IVOA soon to start collecting topics for the session on a public page where ideas could be added; **JE took action (will first discuss at Exec telecon)
        • Could be docs issues where a little coding would help, PyVO projects, reference implementations for standards, hands on training for making a change to the doc given the new process, and more ...
        • TD will invite several Astropy developers at MAST given the decision, Steve from IPAC said he may be able to get someone to attend too
        • A request from MM was to make it happen without clash to other sessions and with open participation - all agreed
        • TD noted that Ideas can come early or on the day; one sentence pitch is all it takes
  • Current RFC/TCG reviews
    • See: https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/IvoaTCG#On_going_Recommendations
    • Current proposed recommendations
      • Provenance - just about there, Markus said he'd sign off for Sematics; PD/JE will follow for TCG to complete (this week is the goal)!!!!
      • Measurements & Coords - 2 models - LM has asked MCD to reply to the comments; will touch base with MCD
        • TJ noted that he's been talking to MCD about how to connect a coordinate to a transform; some interactive issues that needs clarification
      • SSLDM - open review (MD/Paris group)
  • 2019B Roadmap review
    • https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/2019BRoadmap
      • Walked through 2019B Roadmaps; most groups have them updated for the current semester
      • IGs are a bit behind - Please review; remove 2019A next to your group even if no change.
  • TCG items
    • Consensus on new vocabulary terms: (MD)
      • According to the Vocabularies WD, the TCG would decide in consensus on new vocabulary terms. There is one proposed new term that the TCG can decide on, which is
        • https://volute.g-vo.org/svn/trunk/projects/semantics/veps/VEP-002.txt
    • RFC candidate: (MD)
      • There's the PEN on the Catalogue of ADQL User Defined Functions http://ivoa.net/documents/udf-catalogue/20190925/
        • MD sent email this morning (2/12); Please review as outlined in the email;
        • The plan is to endorse the UCD words 1.4 at the next TCG meeting without another RFC.
  • AOB


  • NEW
    • PD: Make a quick pass & send email to editors/authors to see if they agree to the new copyright/license.
    • MM/JE: Create central page with topics for the Interop and send an IVOA list email out looking for topics and pointing to the page that folks can add too
    • PD: Send an email to the he TCG with Publishing Doc links so we can re-address whether we migrate over and when
    • PD/JE will get info on the Syndey Interop and pass it on to the TCG from the Exec mtg on Feb18
    • JE: Send an email to IVOA mail list about hack sesion and start/point to a page to start collecting topics (will first present plan to Feb18 Exec mtg)
    • ACTION: PD/JE: Exec review decision when stable of the doc license choice - OPEN ( but made a forward plan)
    • ACTION: TCG - Decide if a central wiki for session coordination is the way to go for Sydney - OPEN ( but made a forward plan)
    • ACTION-T2019 -6: PD/JE: Ask DOC to transfer links to new Publishing on the VO doc when time is right - OPEN ( but made a forward plan)
    • ACTION: MD - write up process description for updaing /rdf maintenance - REMOVE (taken over by doc coordinator)
    • ACTION-T0219-5: PD/JE - kick off the Architecture doc effort and distribute tasks to team - REMOVE ( _overlaps with arch/user docs)_

This topic: IVOA > WebHome > IvoaTCG > IvoaTCG-2020-02-11
Topic revision: r7 - 2020-02-14 - JanetEvans
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